Chapter 10

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I talked to Jone peacefully for what seemed like hours.He soon carried me upstairs to sleep."Lia may I sleep together with you, Jone asks me.

My face flushes,"sure," I lay down next to him and stare into his eyes,"Good Night."

He leans in kissing my forehead,"Good night."

After a good night sleep I woke up to a smiling Jone. "Good morning Jone,"I smile.

He glared back.I was confused why is he glaring at me.

"Morning mate,he says through gritted teeth. I shiver in fear;Chris. I try to get away from the bed, but he tightly puts his arm around me.He kisses my neck, where he left his mark. "I see you slept with Jone peaceful,"he says," But what about me huh! Always trying to get away from me!"

He pushes me deeply into the mattress, hovering above me. "You're mine, mate," he takes in a breath."I have work at the pack house , so I'm going to leave for a bit, I'll be back,"He takes one last look at me,then heads out.

After I hear the door shut behind him, I knock over the lamp next to me out of anger.I'm not a dam object, I thought in frustration.I get up from bed, looking out the window, I couldn't possibly run in this Tundra;I'd just die. After I was done taking a shower and getting dress I leave my room, heading downstairs.

Before I could enter the kitchen, I stop myself listening in on a conversation.Now that I think about it I haven't seen Rolan in awhile.

"Why did you force yourself on her," an unknown voice says accusingly. I lean more into the door, wondering even more who this mystery man was.

"She's my mate, I can do whatever I want,"Rolan says back.

The man growls," She's also mine and what you did hurt her, what if she tries to run away from us, what if she hates us.

Rolan stiffly laughs," she already does," he says softly.The argument lasted a good twenty minutes, I think it's about time I intervene, plus my stomach was growling at me like crazy.

I pull open the door; ready to ask Rolan who he was talking too but there was only him. I step back in surprise,"Good morning," I stutter,"who were you talking too,"I asked unsurely.

Rolan looked happy to see me,yet angry that I asked that question. I hug him which caused a bit of surprise from him. I don't want another monster mad at me, might as well try to get on the good side of this one.

He smiles down at me,"Good morning Dove," He kisses his mark on my neck, then sniffes me," Slept with Chris last night,"he asks grudgingly.

"No," I simply say,"I slept with Jone." He looks at me with teasing eyed," you made Chris angry, and Jone came out."

I pout," Possibly,but I don't care his wolf was nice to me."Rolan pats my head ruffly,my wolf is nice as well but extremely possessive,you wouldn't last a second with him,"he says.

I sit down on the kitchen bar stool, looking up at Rolan. I bite my lip," May I ask for his name. Rolan stares at my lip groaning,"Travis."

I lay my head on Rolan," Travis," I whisper out his wolfs name.

I could feel his wolf growl in agreement."My wolfs likes you," Rolan says kissing my head.

"I'd like him too if you make me breakfast,"I tease seriously.

He smiles getting up,"Yes dove, what would you like,"

"My favorite, strawberry waffles," I say with puppy eyes.

"After breakfast, would you like too talk to him," he asks quietly.

"Yeesssh," I respond immediately.

He laughs nervously; I wonder why he would be nervous of me talking to Travis.Unlike Chris, Rolan seems to be the more cool headed one, I can deal with him.

I watch him cook; his back to me, when realization hits me. Personality switch!Chris is mean and possessive so Jone is nice and friendly.Which means of Rolan is nice and sweet, Travis could be just like Chris.I tilt my head unsurely, but that's not right he seemed to be nice when he was talking with Rolan.

After eating waffles, which by the way were delicious; I wait for Rolan to be done. Rubbing my thumbs nervously,"On second thought I don't want to talk to Travis," I say quietly.

He looks up from eating,"why?"He asks. "No reasons, just got stuff to do, you know,"I reply not looking at him.
He puts his fork down,"Please don't lie, what you said has made him upset."

"I just don't want to talk to him...please,"I say.It would be dangerous to talk to his wolf if I don't know anything about him and based on last night wolfs can be in charge for a long time.

"I'm going to go for a bit to cool off, he's agitated his mate doesn't want to talk to him," Rolan says getting up.

I softly hug him,"No..Don't go I want to spend time with you." Rolan gently hugs me back, kissing my forehead.

"I don't want you to get hurt, I'll be back after a shower," he responds I pout huffing in the process,"Rolan I'm bored here, when can I leave.

"Never!," he yells out loudly, tightening the grip around me.

I jump back wide eyed,"Rolan I didn't mean as in leave you I meant as go around the town or simply get out-of the house.

He growls putting his face in the crook of my neck,"Lia please don't ever say you'll leave us.

Oh that voice it's Travis, dam possessive wolfs.I put my hand against his heart,"Travis I'm yours, I'm not leaving."

I could feel him smile against me, I pat his head.Good Wolfie I thought in my head.

Travis stares deep in my eyes," I love you."

O god



Yes yes hello author that is so slow at updating her story.

I knooow my laptop broke, and typing on my phone is a pain so you might have seen many mistakes.

😱Believe it or not this chapter was written a month ago im just super slow at typing.

Anyways~ thank y'all for reading .Always welcome to chat with me or send a message to me once in awhile and be like 🙄author stop playing Pokemon, stop watching those Asian dramas that you o so much love watching and write this book.

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