Chapter 7

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" Sometimes we have no choice but to fall back."


I wake up to the wind hitting my soft skin. "Uhghh," I moan to the soft strokes on my head. Who's doing that it feels so good, it makes me feel so safe. It must just be Daisy, I cuddle more into the person. But then I open my eyes wide to the sound of a growl above my head. I look up at the man holding my head in his lap. He looked around his mid twenties, with jet black hair. His eyes were a green ivy color, he had the most perfect chiseled  jaw.

Wait a sec Lia, perfect? I quickly get up scared of what he will do to me. To what it looks like he has a strong dominant aura surrounding him, he must be a alpha .

"I'm sorry Alpha," I say avoiding eye contact. He doesn't respond so I gaze up slightly. I instantly regret doing so, he looks like he's about to blow a fuse. Where the hell is Daisy when I need her. " I'm sorry Alpha," I apologize again beginning to tear up, afraid of what he will do. He sees this, then quickly he comes closer to me , taking my chin in his fingers lifting my head up. I yelp visibly, he glares at me, but softens.

" Mate, why do you keep apologizing," the man finally speaks. I inwardly moan, what a deep husky voice. Wait.........Wait. Did he just say mate. I gaze up at him fearfully, I'm sorry Alpha but i believe you have the wrong girl," I say trying to walk away. But with that statement his hands grip onto my shoulders tightly keeping me in position," I don't make mistakes," he says gruffly." I'm sorry Alpha but I think you have the wrong girl," I say with more force. Right when he was about to say something  back, I'm roughly pulled away from him into someones chest.

" What are you doing to my mate," the furious voice behind me says accusingly. The Alpha scoffs,"It's you," What do you mean it's me," the man barks back."I'm Alpha Rolan, he say," I presume you to be Alpha Chris.

My eyes were about to pop out, while I feel Alpha Chris get tense. "No," Chris yells out like a mad man," No, no,no," he continuously barks. Alpha Rolan only smirks, getting closer to me. He lifts up my chin kissing my lips," You're ours," he says passionately.

........Ours?...Ours.......Ours!? No, No, NO..... NOO. I hate them how am I supposed to deal with two of them. Alpha non the lease, with these thoughts I pass out.

"Lia , Lia wake up," I hear Daisy's voice. " What happened," I ask holding my head in the palm of my hand. "Um...Alpha brought you back to the bus he told me to watch you," She replies nervously," Lia my mate found me....I-I think I should just go with him with ought a fight.

"Daisy you can't you said you were going to fight," I whispered almost to myself. She looks down," Lia he's a Alpha... do you think even if we did win they would just let us go, have we ever heard of a human winning these games..While you were out all male's have found their mates, all of us complied.You are the only one who hasn't agreed since you were out."

I visibly slump down in my chair I couldn't believe what I was hearing..did no one have the will the fight. Or have we just been warped into thinking this is our best choice in life. I thought coming in this I would have a chance to build my own life. But Daisy is right even if I had won having two mates now, they wouldn't just let me go, it just wouldn't happen. With that I had decided on my new goal, even if I do agree to go along. I will never love them and I will raise hell.

"Lia you have a wicked smile on your face, it's scary,"Daisy suddenly interrupts  my thoughts." I know," I say with a evil glint.

"Is she awake," A voice calls from outside the bus. I get up from my chair, along with Daisy, we walk outside of the bus.

"Yes I am sir," I answer back to the man in front of me now. My two mates were standing behind the man, I inwardly cringe at the word mate.

"You are the only one left to get registered as these twos mate.....or are you planning on taking part of the games," Both of the Alphas growl at the last part.

I gather up my courage."I'll go register." I almost cried when I said this. But this is human life now, I was silly to think they would just let me leave. I will make sure they know that I will never love them. And if it gets to the point I can't tolerate them anymore.......let's not think about that.

The three of us walk over to the registration table.I prick my thumb stamping it onto the contract agreement. Selling my life away to two monsters.

When Dusk FallsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ