Chapter 11

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"I would like to be the air that inhabits you for a moment only. I would like to be that unnoticed and that necessary."
                      ~Margaret Atwood
。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。 That quote gives me so much feels.Anyways here's Ch 11 hope you enjoy.

I stared back wide-eyed," Um..Okay." I say not sure what I should respond with.

A flash of hurt went through Travis's eyes. He became silent for a few moments.I started to get nervous with this awkwardness hanging in the air so I decided it was best if I just left the room and head back upstairs.

I took a step back ready to leave the silent room,but my body is forced still by two muscular arms.They wrap around my body daring me to escape them.

"Don't leave me..please,"he softly begs. He breaths into my neck kissing it softly.My heart aches for causing him pain. I mentally slap myself, Lia get a hold of yourself this person is a monster.We haven't even mated why is the bond effecting me this way. That's not even the most important question at the moment, I need to know if Chris told Rolan about the phone call. I sigh inwardly I need to know if I might have to barricade myself in my room or not for later.

I gently touch his chest, wanting to show him affection to gain his trust.But oh my life those delicious pecks.I look down wondering if he had a six pack.

"Lia," he let's out a possessive growl. My eyes widen immediately looking towards the ground.I can't believe I was staring like a idiot I must look like a tomato.

"Travis I need to speak with Rolan," I ask still a shade of red.

"This is my time with you Lia please don't take that away from me, let's go find a movie to watch till Chris comes home,"He responds.

Ugh he's dodging the question.Just the thought of Chris give me shivers, I don't feel comfortable with him.I shuffle Nervously," Could you at least ask him a question for me," I ask pouting my lips slightly.

He smiles gently at me, " Sure darling what is it?"

"Could you ask him if Chris spoke to him today," I ask staring into his eyes.

His eyes twitches when I mention Chris,his eyes glaze over. I guess he's speaking to Rolan. I swear even though I have seen it often it still creeps me out when wolfs eyes glaze over.

"He says that he hasn't,why?"He asks.

I twiddle my fingers,"No reason," I say,"let's go watch a movie."

He stares silently at me like he's looking into my soul.He gently lifts my chin up with his fingers,"What's wrong don't lie."

As much as I want to tell him how much I don't like Chris to get them to fight.I don't want to mention what happened with him earlier.It's best to have only one angry Alpha instead of two.I'm just going to have to please Chris in some way to keep his mouth shut.

I hug Travis so he wouldn't ask again," Seriously I'm fine, let's go watch a movie together."

He smiles brightly at me, eagerly rushes over to the living room, turning on the television.He turns on the movie overboard, I look at him weirdly how did he know I love this movie.As the movie began I shift my body close to him, enjoying each others company.

After the movie was over it was around lunch time so we decided to make lunch together. Travis was cooking the hamburgers out on the grill, while I made a salad with my fantastic salad dressing if I do say so myself.

Chris should be getting home around this time, so I start to get nervous.What if he says something I hope he's still not mad. I need to play this right or I'm going to get severely punished.I'm lucky he didn't send me to a cellar or something this morning.

Hearing the hamburgers sizzle on the grill made me smile. It was like the olden days, my father cooking while my mother and I set the table making jokes about random thing such as when we would make salad my mother would ask,"What did bacon say to tomato?" I would giggle and respond,"Lettuce get together!"

I could feel a tear roll down my face, I miss them so much. "Mate why are you crying," I feel myself being hugged from behind. I quickly rub the tear away with the back of my hand.I turn around to see Chris looking at me with worried eyes.

I shake my head smiling," I'm not."He hugs me again regardless," If you need to cry then cry I'm here for you now and forever."

I hug him back, stiffly smiling into his chest. "We made lunch Chris are you hungry?"

He smiles down at me," I'm starving."

💞I hope you'll enjoyed, yess finally updated.

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