Chapter 11-"Pushing Through"

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Tiana's Pov

My throat closed up when I saw Frank standing there looking extremely furious. Frank raised his eyebrows and looked at us waiting for answers. I glared at Tracy who had a smirk plastered on her face as she stared at Michael. "Care to explain the news that Tracy told me. I'm pretty sure you know what I'm talking about." he said with the least bit of patience in his voice.

Michael sighed and held my hand and squeezed it. "Me and Tiana are going to date. I like her she likes me and that's all that matters." he said staring Frank directly in the eyes. I saw Tracy cringed when Michael said he liked me. I squeezed his hand a little back and looked up at Frank for his reaction and it wasn't good.

His face was a light shade of red and I could tell he was boiling. "Michael you need to be focusing on your career not some girl! I brought Tiana here so you can work on your album that's due in 4 months!" he shouted. I rolled my eyes at the way he was acting about thia. Who cares if me and Michael date it's not like I'm going to ruin his career I would never do that.

"Frank were dating and that's it now go!" Michael said looking at both Frank and Tracy. "You too." he said speaking to Tracy. Frank shook his head and walked down the path. "Where going to talk about this later!" Frank yelled from the driveway. I closed the door when Michael shook his head. "hey you ok?" I asked lifting his chin up.

Michael sighed and nodded as his calm brown eyes now returned. "he just made me angry. I mean how is he allowed to control who I let into my life." he spoke. I nodded understanding what he meant. "C'mon let's not worry about that right now. We have a date to get to." I said kissing his cheek.

I saw a smile curl up on his lips while he wrapped his arm around my waist. "Your right let's go but it's a suprise." he said excitedly. I laughed lightly at his childness. "ok Mystery man." I joked walking out of the house with Michael's hand in mine.

During the car ride we learned more stuff about each other but when I asked about the book he quickly changed the subject. I just want to know who Tricia was she looked like she was a nice woman. She must have been really special if their was a scrapbook about them together.

"Tia are you ok?" I snapped out of my thoughts when I head Michael's voice. I nodding and gave him a reassuring smile though he didn't believe it. "I don't believe you. Come on tell me what's wrong." he said wrapping an arm my waist and pulling me closer to him.

"I was just wondering who Tricia was and why everytime I try to ask about her you change the subject." I said cautiously while looking up at him. he sighed lightly. "I'll tell you soon just not now." he said rubbing my arm. Atlease he said he would tell me and I don't want to rush him.

I nodded and laid my head on his chest. "Where here." he said after a couple minutes of comfortable silence. I lifted my head up and gasped under my breath when I saw the scene. The clear ocean crashed against the rocks and the beautiful orange and pink colors splashed across the sky.

The sand looked smooth and soft. Michael helped me out of the car and the ocean mist hit me lightly. "It's beautiful." I gawked looking around admiring it all. "Not as much as you." he said staring at me. I blushed and looked down at the sand below my feet. "Thank you." I said looking at him.

"Your welcome." he smiled and my mouth became dry once again. He has a really beautiful smile I wish I had one like that. "come on I want to show you something." he said grabbing my hand and walking to a spot that had a blanket and basket. It has a great view of the ocean and the sky.

"You've really out done yourself jackson." I said biting into a baby carrot as we were half way through. "Thanks but just wait until the next date and it will be even better." he reassured kissing my forehead. I smiled at him popped a grape into my mouth.

"I didn't know you could be this sweet." I said looking at him. He shrugged and grinned. "I guess a lot of people are full of suprises." I smiled lightly and kissed him on his full lips. His hand came up to my chin as he caressed it. The kiss got deeper and I leaned up against a rock that was near us.

I thought I heard a click like a camera and I stopped kissing Michael. He seemed to notice because he parted his lips from mine and furrowed his eyebrows. "What's wrong?" he asked concerned. I looked around and behind me. "I thought I heard a click." I said biting my lip furrowing my eyebrows too.

Michael looked around too but saw no one. "It's probably just the paparazzi they never leave me alone." He said. "Oh. Want to go for a swim?" I asked changing the subject by motioning towards the ocean.

He raised an eyebrow and grinned. "Race ya." he said before sprinting to the ocean. I laughed and ran after him. "Cheater!" I said finally catching up to him. "Not really just a faster runner." he teased rolling up his pants and taking off his shirt and shoes. I snapped my gaze away from his chest since I found myself staring too long.

I took off my sun dress and shoes before joining him in the water. "Woo! it's cold!" I said shaking a little. Michael giggled and wrapped an arm around me. "Don't worry I'll keep you warm." I blushed a little as we walked further into the ocean till the water was up to our necks.

"Your gorgeous." Michael complimented as I pushed my wet wait out of my face. I smiled. "Your handsome. I'm glad I went on this date with you." I said wrapping my arms around his neck. He grinned and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Me too." He leaned in and kissed my lips passionately and I knew that hopefully everything would be at peace

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