Chapter 9-" Passionate Truths"

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Tiana's Pov

My eyes widened a little at his question and I thought. Is this another game he's trying to play? It doesn't seem like it especially with his eyes sparkling like that. It seemed like he regretted his question because he started to stutter.

"I-I don't k-know why I said th-." I looked at how his plump lips moved with every word he spoke. I grasped his chin in my hand and turned his face towards me. His beautiful brown eyes bored into mine and I mustered up enough courage to lean in and kiss him.

It was a slow and passionate kiss that became deeper by the second. I felt his tongue poke at my lips and I gladly parted them as a result of his tongue coming into my mouth making me feel warm inside. Are tongues where fighting for dominance and his fingers found his way to my hips. A gasp left my lips when we started to lean on the piano and a loud low note was played.

Are lips separated an I instantly missed the softness of them. He cleared his throat and sat back down on the bench as I rubbed the imaginary wrinkles out of my shirt. "Wow." I heard him breathe out quietly. I licked my lips and sat next to him playing with my fingers.I felt his warm fingertip under my chin as he pulled it up.

"What's wrong?" he asked scooting closer to me. I opened my mouth but now words came out. What should I say that I loved the kiss. That I wish we could kiss again and not stop. I couldn't he had a girlfriend and what I did was wrong even though it felt right. "You have a girlfriend." I answered. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion causing me to explain myself.

"Were kissing and you have a girlfriend. It's not like I don't want to kiss you cause I loved that kiss and hopefully you did to. I don't want to have you look at me like you like me and then the next hour your kissing Tracy and dissing me to her. It's just confusing I guess." I shrugged looking at him the whole time.

He sighed then bit his lip. "Your right." he said. "I was saying those things to Tracy because when she said those things about you I tried to convince myself the same and that I had no feelings towards you. But when I saw you with that guy at the bar a fire ignited in me and I didn't care about anything else besides.Well you."he admitted grabbing my hand.

"Tiana I'm just going to admit to you that I do have feelings towards you. When I'm with anyone else your name or face always pops up in my head. And you've just been here for a week and your already on my mind. I have to agree that my feelings for you are confusing but I'm trying to figure them out. One moment Im frustrated with you or annoyed and then the next I want to be near you or kiss you." I was in shock at is confession.

I closed my mouth that was a little a gape. "Michael we have to figure this out because I don't want to always be confused about this. I know you don't either. I can't get your name or voice out of my head. Or your brown eyes that sometimes hypnotize me and I immediately forget what I'm saying. Your passion for what you do and how you'd stop at nothing to not do it. I can't get that out and I don't know if I could." I say honestly.

I saw a small smile twitch up to his lips. "I don't think I could get you out of my head either. I just don't know what were going to do. If Frank finds out he's going to fire you." He complained. I rubbed my thumb on the top of his hand as he held it. "We'll figure something out." I assured him.

He smiled and kissed my temple. "Yeah we will and even if Frank doesn't approve I still want to be with you. So with that being said would like to go on a date with me tomorrow once I tell Tracy the news?" he asked. I nodded and lightly smiled. "Yeah that'll be nice." He smiled a real smile this time causing his eyes to light up. "Yay." I giggled at his silliness.

He cupped my face in his hands and gave me a slow passionate kiss on the lips putting me back in a trance once again.


Sorry it's short I just really wanted to save the super exciting parts in the next chapter so keep reading! Anyways Thanks for reading and getting this book to over 300 reads!keep voting and commenting I appreciate it! Much Love


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