Chapter 16-"Not Getting Over"

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Tiana's Pov

I waited anxiously at the coffee shop for Ron to come. This was stupid. I said to myself watching time tick away on the clock. I've been sitting here for an hour and he hasn't shone up. As I was starting to gather my things a large hand stopped me. It was Ron.

"Hey, sorry I'm late. Car troubles."

"It's uh, fine." I sat back down and he did the same. I pushed the cofee towards him. "I got you some. I don't know how you like it so I got it like mine." Ron sipped on the coffee and hummed in pleasure.


I smiled before letting it drop and sighing.

"Listen, we need to talk." Ron set his coffee down before leaning into the table to listen. "it's about you calling me."

"Oh," he slumped back into his seat. "What about it."

"I have a boyfriend now and I don't think it's right for you to be calling me." Ron furrowed his eyebrows while picking at the plastic on his coffee.

"What. Is he the jealous type?"

"No! Michael he..this doesn't have anything to do with what he thinks of you. Its just about what I think should end." Ron sighed before looking at me in silence. I couldn't decipher what he was thinking but I kept my mouth shut not wanting to interrupt him if he ever was going to speak.

"Ok." he agreed simply. I have a warm smile before placing my hand ontop of his. "thank you." I said and he returned the smile. I released my hand from his and began packing up my things.

"Wait. don't you want to talk longer?"

I was hesitant as I spoke. "I..I cant. I have to fix some things." Dissapointment showed his face and guilt hit me in the stomache. Before I could say anything else he nodded in understandment and let me leave.

On the way home I started thinking about what happened before I left the house. Why was he so objective to me meeting Ron and telling him to stop calling. It's not like I was going to make out with the man. When I got out of the car I walked up the house and walked in to see it was quiet.

"Michael?" I called placing my things on the couch. As I walked into the music room I could see music sheets sprawled out all over the floor. I sighed guiltily and picked them up on the way of finding him. He was sitting by the piano with his head laying on the top of it.

I smiled lightly before walking over to him and sitting down beside him. I studied his features and smiled at how lucky I actually was. His eyelashes fell upon his cheeks and his lips lay still giving me the urge to lean down and kiss him out of his sleep. That's what I did.

He stirred with a hum and I did it again causing his eyes to flicker open. The sight of his brown eyes warmed me and I gave him a small smile. He only gave me a blank one back and I knew he was angry for me walking out on him.

"Michael. im sorry." he continued to stare at me until I raised my eyebrows at him expecting for him to say something.

"Is that Ron guy not going to call you anymore?" I nodded with another small smile to show that I was being honest. I watched his lips tug into a small smile and he wrapped an arm around me.

"Why are you sleeping on the piano?"

"Tired. Waited for you."

I pressed my lips to his and without hesitance he responded back. "im sorry I blew up on you earlier." Michael merely shrugged his shoulders before giving me another peck.

"It's fine babygirl. Im the one who was acting jealous and demanding."

I scrunches my nose. "I guess you were Huh?" I teased and giggled once he squinted his brown eyes at me. I was happy that things were back to normal and we had forgotten about what happened earlier.

My phone ringed from my pocket and I picked it up to see Frank on the screen. My eyebrows furrowed which stole Michael's attention but I fixed it. It was Probally nothing. "hello?"

"Tiana? News for you. You have 2 more weeks with Michael before you have to move off." my mouth fell open.

"W..what? But I thought it was five months."

"It was. but ive decided to shorten the time frame.I think are getting way to comfortable." I chuckled dryly before getting up from my seat.

"Comfortable? I came here to do a job and that's what I'm doing. I just so happened to be attracted to Michael on the way."

I heard him laugh dryly as well on the other line. "see that's the issue. Im hiring him another writer. You won't be needed anymore after two weeks. Start saying your goodbyes now Tiana."


I stared at my phone in fury before having the urge to stomp over to Frank's office and give him a piece of my mind. What a lame excuse to send me back home because I was getting close to Michael. It was bittersweet sort of. Sweet because I was able to go back home and see my sister. Bitter because I had to leave Michael. Oh hell no, Frank was not getting over on this one.

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