Chapter 4-"Thoughts"

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Tiana's Pov

My eyes widened a little when I noticed I was looking through his stuff. We'll I wasn't technically snooping I was just looking in the book I didn't think he would get so mad.

"Hello? Can you hear.Why did you have the book." he growled snatching it out my hands forcefully.

I bit my lip lost for words but I mustered up enough courage to talk. "It fell off the shelf and I looked at it. I'm sorry for looking." I apologized trying to ease the tension but it didn't work.

He scoffed and shook his head. "The book was all the way in the back of the shelf it couldn't have fell unless you got it." he accused.

Now it was my turn to scoff and shake my had. "Why would I look through your stuff. I actually respect peoples privacy. Don't accuse somebody of doing something unless you have proof." I snapped crossing my arms.

"I have proof I saw with my eyes that the book was in the back of the shelve it couldn't have fell unless you took it down. " He hissed.

"You know what I don't even want to argue with you over something that was clearly not my fault." I said turning to walk out but his hand grabbed my arm.

"Not until you admit that you took it down. I have all day." He said squeezing my arm. "Why so you can be even more rude for something I didn't do? No thank you." I said trying to snatch my arm out of his grip.

"Your such a difficult bitch." My eyes widened at what he said and I pushed him away from me. "Your not that easy to live with either and I swear if you call me a bitch one more time I will slap you into next week." I growled pushing his bear chest that was still wet.

"Go ahead it that will make me even closer to getting you out of here." he yelled. I gritted my teeth and walked out of his room slamming the door behind me.

Why does he have to be so rude to me? I mean was calling me a bitch really necessary. He looked so happy in those pictures that I saw and now he just look dull and lifeless. I'm guessing he brought me down from the tree since I was in his bedroom instead of my own. I'm thinking to much over this, maybe I should call my sister.

I walked to my room and pulled out my flip phone and called my sister. "T! I miss you so much." her voice was muffled and I could tell that she was eating because I heard the crunch of potato chips over the line.

"Hey Ri. I miss you too I wish I could go home already." I complained looking at some magazines I brought with me.

"Why do you want to leave so early, I thought you loved to write and you get a lot of money for writing this album right?" she asked. "Yeah but I don't think the money is worth it right now and I've only been here a day. The person I'm working with is such a jerk." I say biting my lip. A handsome Jerk.

I left out the handsome part though. "Why is he a jerk T?" "We'll his greeting wasn't so warm when I came last night and I don't know he's just being really rude. I'm strong though so I'll try to stick it out but I'm really close to punching him in the face." I stated.

"Well just ignore him until you have to write maybe that will help. Oh and Aunt Bonnie is getting suspicious. I don't know how long I can keep up your at the mall excuse." She said nervously. I sighed and shook my head at myself. Here I am 23 years and scared of my own aunt finding out what's really going on.

"You don't have to keep saying that just let her find out on her own. College doesn't sound like such a bad idea right now." I sighed. "Alright T I have to go dinner's ready but call me soon ok?" I nodded but then remembered she couldn't see me. "Yea. Love you Ri." I said. "Love you too T and remember ignore until writing time." I laughed lightly and we both said our goodbyes.

Her plan didn't sound not that bad right now. Maybe he keeps bothering me because he likes to see what reaction he can get out of me. Tomorrow that's gonna change. Hopefully.


Michael's Pov

I sighed deeply once she slammed the door behind her. Why does she have to be so difficult and not answer the question. Maybe I did make a huge deal out of her touching the book but I have my reasons. Tricia was everything she meant alot. We knew each other are whole life and I knew she was the one when I kissed her in high school. I was going to propose to her on her birthday but she got cancer and died.

That was one of the worst days of my life and it still is. My eyes started to fill with tears again once I opened the book and saw her shining smile. I closed the book quickly and rubbed my face with my hands. Maybe I should apologize to Tiana. I thought long and hard about it and decided to get up and apologize. As I made my way close to her room I could hear her muffled voice behind the door.

I pressed my ear against the door to hear her talking to someone."Yeah but I don't think the money is worth it right now and I've only been here a day. The person I'm working with is such a jerk." I don't know why but I felt a pang of guilt hit me. No Michael your not suppose to be caring about what she thinks of you.

I turned away from the door as she continued to talk and I would wait till tomorrow to apologize for the way I reacted. I hope she accepts it.

The Writer ➵ Michael Jackson ➵ Fanfiction [DISCONTINUED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz