27-Finding a Trail

Start from the beginning

Kiba stirred slightly in his bed, but rolled over again, Akamaru curled around his head and sleeping as well. It seemed Shino had gotten up well before Murasaki, and he was currently sitting on his bed with a book in front of him. Neither of the two boys who were awake said anything until Murasaki went over to Kiba's bedside.

"Hey dog boy, it's time to get up." Murasaki reached out, shaking Kiba's shoulder harshly. Said boy just curled up more, mumbling something about another five minutes. His shifting woke Akamaru however, and the pup stood. Looking over at Shino, Murasaki raised his voice slightly, "Is Hinata awake yet?"

"I do not know, for I have not gone to check yet. If you would like however, I could wake her." Shino raised his head from his book, looking Murasaki in the eye from behind his sunglasses.

"That would be great, thank you." Looking back at Kiba's sleeping figure he wondered how to wake the boy. "Akamaru," The white dog looked up at his name, intelligence showing in his eyes, "would you wake Kiba up for me? We have to get going."

Almost immediately, Akamaru began to lick Kiba's face. Feeling the wet tongue hitting his face, Kiba shot up, rubbing wildly to try and clear the drool.

"Good to see you're awake Kiba. It's time we got started for the day, so I thought I'd wake you." Pausing at the door, Murasaki continued to talk. "I'll be waiting in the main room of the inn, if you want breakfast, I would hurry down there once you're ready to leave." The door began to swing shut behind him, but before it was fully shut Kiba heard Murasaki's parting remark. "I see you forgot what I said about that middle finger."

Rubbing the back of his head slightly, Kiba fell back onto the bed. "Damn hyper-sensetive whatever it was called."


"Have you picked anything up, Kiba?" The brown haired boy looked over, as Murasaki had his eyes closed and leaned against a wall. The group had just finished searching the southern part of the town with no luck, and were currently taking a break.

"Not yet," he looked down at Akamaru, who shook his head sadly. "It doesn't seem Akamaru has anything either."

"Seems I'm useless here though..." Murasaki stood, stretching his back lightly. When Hinata opened her mouth to ask, Murasaki cut her off. "There are too many people here, and it isn't like I'm all that close to the princess to know her right off. Looks like it will be mainly Kiba who will be of use here, and Shino of course." No one said anything to that, and Murasaki began to walk off. "No use sitting around, let's go to the west end and see if we can't find anything."


It was drawing towards noon when Akamaru finally perked up, and noticing this Kiba sniffed slightly as well before nodding. "Looks like we were right about the town, I finally picked up a trail."

Everyone looked to Kiba in interest, and Murasaki spoke. "You're sure it is her scent?"

"Positive, have some faith in our noses." Murasaki looked at Kiba's two teammates, who both nodded slightly.

"Well these two seem to regard it highly, so I suppose I should. Now then, can you tell how long it has been since she passed through here?"

Sniffing a little more, Kiba nodded. "I would put it at three, maybe four days at the most. It's strange though..." Murasaki nodded for him to continue. "There is a heavy scent of at least one other person following the exact same route, I don't think she is alone anymore."

"It is possible she stopped in this town to meet someone. We don't know the specifics of her disappearance after all." Shino said, his quiet voice causing everyone to consider the fact. They had paused in the roadway, and only now did the group realize that they were blocking the way.

"Regardless of the specifics," Murasaki said as the group continued, Kiba and Akamaru leading the way with their noses, "our job is to return the princess. I suggest we hurry, worst case scenario is that she was kidnapped." Everyone nodded and soon the town was far behind them.


An incessant knocking on the door caused Shikamaru to open it a crack, peeking at the person on the other side. After assuring himself it was just Mamoru, Shikamaru stood to the side, and the ever present attendant bustled hurriedly into the room. His eyes held panic as he scanned over the figures in the room, finally landing on the lump of blankets that Aoi was under.

"We have an emergency. A few of the younger nobles, around Kou-sama's age, have the idea to go on a picnic, and request for her to come as well." Mamoru turned his gaze on Shikamaru, "but it doesn't seem like Aoi is in the best of shape for something like this."

"Well there is no harm in asking him." Shikamaru shrugged and walked toward Aoi's sleeping form.

Kodomo shot up. "Er, wait... um... I don't think it's the best idea to wake Aoi up." Shikamaru looked at Kodomo, his hand hovering inches above Aoi's shoulder. Simply tilting his head in a signal to go on, Shikamaru straightened slightly. "Well you see, if I remember correctly from my last mission, Aoi doesn't take too well to being woken, consistently attacking or pinning whoever tried to wake him."

"Well I guess I'll just be pinned then, no matter how much of a pain it is." He sighed, reaching out and shaking Aoi's shoulder.

Much to everyone who had seen one of Aoi's awakenings surprise, Aoi didn't react like usual. Remaining close eyed, his hand shot out, gripping Shikamaru's wrist in a death hold. He cracked one eye open, and looked at Shikamaru from the corner of it. With what seemed to be a sigh, the blue haired boy sat up, rubbing the back of his head with a blank expression on his face.

"Aoi, we need you to go on a picnic with a few of the royals." Aoi looked up at Shikamaru from under his curtain of hair, which had found its way to the front of Aoi's face again. He nodded his understanding, tossing aside the covers and standing.

"I don't think that coffee helps with being drunk." Aoi said, then followed Mamoru from the room. Nobody said anything, but all of them were thinking along the same lines.

Aoi had seemed distracted by something, and for the first time, it showed in his actions.


I'm going to end off the chapter here, so there ya go. I already know what will be happening next chapter, so it shouldn't take more than a few days to post it. I hope you all liked it. Honestly though, I'm the happiest person right now! I just passed my driving test, so guess who officially has their license!? If you guessed me, you are absolutely correct! ^.^ Random question!

If you were going to murder someone, how would you do it?

Please don't judge me on that question, I'm just wondering, no alterior motive, I swear to the almighty power of the caticorn, which is like a unicorn, but with the body of a cat. Anywhore... I hope you like the video to the side, I HIGHLY suggest you watch it.

Dedication to OfCloves for guessing that riddle last chapter.


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