50-Aoi's Lost Stories

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Alright, I usually don't say anything at the beginning, but if you didn't know this is a fan appreciation chapter. Thank you so much to OfCloves, AyaValkyrie, lilly_rocks98, and MyDeathLolipop for the ideas. So grab a cup of tea, play the hour long music track I found, cuddle into a blanket, and enjoy. I may update this chapter later on if you want to submit an idea, so don't feel like you've missed out if you want to submit ideas afterward. Without further ado:

The First Valentine's Day (Idea by MyDeathLolipop)

Aoi walked into the classroom a bit behind Naruto, he had only been in Konoha a few months, and was still trying to get accustomed to his new life. Walking to school today had felt a bit different, brighter in many ways as there were people smiling while exchanging packages and flowers, yet with a tangible air of hostility once he entered the academy. He couldn't understand why, as he walked through the halls, all the girls stared at one another as he passed, mouthing threats at one another.

Ignoring the strange atmosphere, Aoi took his seat next to Naruto, a few minutes before the first bell would ring to start the lesson. There was a lot of chatter behind Aoi, mainly girl's voices from what he could hear, but he ignored them, instead taking out his notebook for class. He didn't know how to take notes, but everyone else had one and since Iruka had provided it he felt the need to have it out.

Suddenly, the hushed voices ceased, and a few sounds of disbelief were made. Aoi looked up as someone stood before his desk. Naruto, who had sat up in excitement, sat back in a slump when she did so. Aoi almost turned his attention away, as all the girl did was stand there fidgeting. Suddenly, she thrust her hands toward his face. Aoi almost jumped back in a defensive stance before noticing she had stopped a foot away, a package in her hands.

Looking up, Aoi saw she was looking down, her face red and brown bangs covering her eyes. "Um... A-Aoi this is... um... a present for you. I, uh, made these for you, so please enjoy them!" Her blush deepened, and without waiting for a reply she set them on the desk and took off.

While there was an uproar and cheering behind him, he picked up the bag by the ribbon tied around it. Not quite understanding, he turned to Naruto.

"Naruto, what is this for?" Starting in surprise, Naruto sat up to stare at Aoi before responding.

"That's for Valentine's Day." Seeing that he still didn't understand, Naruto went on, "It's a day when girls will give the person they like chocolates as a present."

"Chocolate?" Curious, Aoi opened the bag to see a pile of gray mush in the bag. Naruto, who leaned over his shoulder, shook his head.

Taking the bag, Naruto re-tied it. "You do not want this to be your first taste of chocolate. Just set it on your desk for now."

Looking back up, Aoi noticed three more girls in front of him. Before he could say a word, they hid their faces and almost in unison said: "Please accept this chocolate!"

They all glared at one another for a moment before pushing the variously decorated bags and boxes toward him. Taking them, he looked at Naruto once again in confusion. The blond simply shook his head. Setting them with the other bag, he looked up as Iruka walked through the door and the bell rang. There were small sighs from girls who still held small decorated boxes in their hands. Iruka gave a confused look around the class before glancing at the calendar. Understanding flitted across his face.


When Aoi returned after the afternoon lunch break, piles upon piles of those neat little boxes were piled up on his desk. He just stared for a moment before proceeding to his desk and sitting down. Naruto did the same.

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