Fate Randomness 1

Start from the beginning

??: *gets his glasses from Nera then puts it back on*

??: *smiles at Neri* Loosen up, Master. She's just playing.

Neri: *crosses her arms* She needs to grow up, Merlin.

Merlin: *smiles* Being too serious could be a problem, Neri *pats Neri's head*

Neri: *swats Merlin's hand* Hands off.

Merlin: *tries to pat Neri's head* So mean.

??: Are you alright, Alice?

??: *stands up* Alice is fine. Thanks for breaking my fall, Master. Are you alright?

??: *stands up* No problem and yes, I'm fine *a step later, he trips landing on his face*

Alice: *looks worried* Are you really alright, Master? Alice is worried.

??: *gets up* Y-Yes, I'm fine. Tripping over here and there.

??: *stands up then dusted himself* Well, that could've been worse.

??: Are you alright, Master?

??: Yeah, I'm al- *sees Merlin trying to pat Neri's head* Excuse me, I'll be right back *went to Neri and Merlin*

The new cast starts doing their own thing while the three Master-Servant pair just stared at them.

Authoress: We'll be right back for awhile.


The new casts are now seated on their seats

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The new casts are now seated on their seats.

Authoress: And we're back! Now then, for the new casts, introduce yourselves.

??: I'm Kei Shinju, the big brother of Aya. If anyone hurts her, either I will order Kiyohime to burn you all into crisps or I myself will end your lives!

Everyone: *in mind* Noted.

Kiyohime: *giggles then clings onto Kei's arm* Of course, I am Kiyohime, Kei's soon-to-be-wife. I am a Berserker class and if anyone hurts my master or if he betrays me, I'll make sure you all turn into ashes.

Kei: *sighs* You know that I will never betray you. I've been already betrayed before and I know the feeling *in mind* And know what will hapen to me when I do.

Everyone except the pair: *in mind* Mental note, don't make them angry*

Nera: *giggles while poking her servant's cheek* Nera's name is Neraine Gonzales. Call Nera "Nera". Nera's servant is Jeje

??: *sweatdrops* Please don't call me that. My name is Dr. Henry Jekyll, Nera's servant, I'm an assassin capable of transforming into a berserker because of my special ability. Nice to meet you.

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