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We just found out that these 22 things have names, and our lives will never be the same.

Glabella: the space between your eyebrows.
Petrichor: the earthy and fresh smell when raindrops hit the ground.
Phloem bundles: strings on bananas.
Aglet: plastic ends of your shoelaces.
Griffonage: illegible handwriting.
Acnestis: area between your shoulder blades.
Ferrule: the metal thing that holds your eraser to the end of the pencil.
Title: the dot on the lowercase 'I'(i).
Box tent: the plastic table-like item in the middle of the pizza.
Zarf: hollow cardboard cylinder used to cover your coffee.
Barm: the tiny bubbles that collect at the top of a beer after it is poured.
Nurdle: the small dab of toothpaste you put on your toothbrush.
Lemniscate: the proper name for the infinity symbol.
Purlicue: the space between your thumb and index finger.
Vagitus: the cry of a newborn baby.
Cornicione: the outer part of the crust on a pizza.
Punt: the bottom of a wine bottle.
Minimus: your little toe or finger.
Collywobbles: butterflies in your stomach.
Dysania: having trouble getting out of bed in the morning.
Lunule: the white, crescent-shaped area at the bottom of the nails.
Natiform: something that resembles a butt.

Go on, have conversations, and don't forget to throw these words randomly into them to look like a genius.

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