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Chetan Bhagat’s article in The Times Of India this month: (edited by me)

For now, I want to give women five suggestions to reduce their stress levels.

One, don't ever think you are without power. If your mother in law doesn't like you, leave her views for her. Be who you are, not someone she wished you would be. She doesn't like you? That's her problem.

Two, if you are doing a good job at work and your boss doesn't value you--tell him that, or quit. Talented, hard-working people are much in demand.

Three, educate yourself, learn skills, network--figure out ways to be economically independent. So the next time your husband tells you that you are not a good enough wife, mother or daughter-in-law, you can tell him to take a hike.

Four, do not ever feel stressed about having a dual responsibility of family and work. It is difficult, but not impossible. The trick is not to expect an A+ in every aspect of your life. You are not taking an exam, and you frankly can't score cent per cent. It is okay if you don't prepare four dishes for lunch; one can fill their stomach with one. It is okay if you don't work till midnight and don't get a promotion. Nobody remembers their job designation on their dying day.

Five and the most important, don't get competitive with other women. Someone will make a better scrapbook for her school project than you. Another will lose more weight with a better diet. Your neighbor may make a six-dabba tiffin for her husband; if you don't--no big deal. Do your best but don't keep looking out for the report card, and definitely don't expect to top the class. There is no ideal woman in this world, and if you strive to become one, there will be only one thing you will achieve for certain--stress.

So breathe, chill, relax. Tell yourself you are beautiful, do your best and deserve a peaceful life. Anybody trying to take that away from you is making a mistake, not you. Your purpose of coming to this earth is not to please everyone. Your purpose is to offer what you have to the world, and have a good life in return.

Be the happiest women in the world.

Cherish womanhood!

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