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8 Times Sushmita Sen Became A Role Model For Women Across The World & Made Us Look Up To Her

Very few dare to live their lives on their own terms. It is never easy, perhaps even harder for a woman to chart out her own path and succeed, to not let the world dictate terms and to survive every hardship, with panache. Sushmita Sen is an embodiment of how to live life like a boss.

Her decisions in life only prove one point, that everything you do must make sense to you alone. Never fear, only keep faith.

From being a nobody and competing against the best and winning at that, Sushmita pretty much set the bar really high, at a very young age.

Too much has been written and said about the supposed rivalry between Aishwarya and Sushmita during their pageant days. Rumour has it that many girls withdrew their application once they knew Aishwarya was competing, but not Miss Sen. She not only competed against the front-runner but won.

She defied convention, adopted two girls when she was single and only 25 years old. Did you say a woman's life is meaningless without marriage? 

After much fight, Sushmita Sen opened her heart and home to Renee. And soon after, to another beautiful girl, Alisha. Sushmita is a proud mother of two girls, and if you need a lesson in parenting, you just need to take a peek at her Instagram videos and through them into her life, to know that she is raising two very intelligent and strong women. And no, she doesn't need a man to complete her. 

Just like her life, her speeches are equally inspiring. 

Sushmita recently gave a very powerful speech at her daughter Renee's school annual day function. And like always she had many pearls of wisdom to share with the young ones, inspiring them to live a life of courage. 

She celebrates herself. The rock she flaunts on her finger, is not a gift from a man but her gift to herself.

This goddess reminds us to be us. And to celebrate who we are.  She recently gifted herself a huge diamond ring, because why not? A reminder that you can put a ring on it, whenever. Take time out to celebrate you, because you are special.

She is a constant reminder that when life expects you to sit it out, you must choose to dance.

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