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Lies all of us have grown up hearing about women that we need to get over:

Girls are too much drama, and difficult to be friends with.

If you don't wear a bra, your breasts will become saggy.

Women who drink are bad.

Women who are shy and meek are nice.

You will only become a woman if your boobs grow.

Women who smoke are bad.

If you talk too much and answer back, no man will like you.

Women who don't smile aren't acceptable-something is wrong with them.

You have to be 'not like other girls' to be given value.

Women who hang out with boys a lot, start looking like them.

Girls who wear short skirts are 'sluts'.

Women cannot, under any circumstances, talk about periods openly.

If a woman doesn't have kids, she is infertile.

Women who wear too much makeup are cheap and promiscuous.

Bra straps are offensive.

Women who don't get married by 30 have something tragically wrong with them.

To be considered cool, you have to be 'one of the boys'.

Women are too dramatic and complicated; no one can understand them.

Being too feminine is bad. Not being feminine enough is also bad.

Women who are too friendly with boys are trouble.

Women who have premarital sex will go to hell.

Enough with the lies.

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