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In a nursery school canteen...

There's a basket of apples with a notice written over it:

'Do not take more than one; God is watching'

On the other counter, there's a box of chocolates.

A small child went and wrote on it:

'Take as many as you want; God is busy watching the apples'

Never act smart with today's generation! 😜😜


Kid: Why some of your hair are white, Dad? 

Dad: Every time you make me unhappy, one of my hair turns white.

Kid: Now I understand why grandpa’s hair are all white…

Moral: Don’t be over smart.



Child: Mummy, why Mahatma Gandhi has no hair on his head?

Mummy: That is because he speaks only the truth.

Child: Now I understand why all the ladies have long hair.



Now the ultimate one: 😜😜😜

Teacher: How old is your father?

Kid: He is 6 years old.

Teacher: What? How is this possible?

Kid: He became a father only when I was born.



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