'Daddy-son' time (Part 1)

Start from the beginning


"Nialler, love" i spoke in a hushed tone so i wouldn't frighten him. "C'mon buddy, wakey wakey time" i sighed, rubbing his back. He had no intentions of waking up, did he? "Ok so, ill just pick you up anyway" and with that i slid a hand under his head and the other under his back before bringing him up to my chest, watching as he snuggled closer trying to keep warm. "So you don't wanna wake up for papa,eh?" I chuckled as his mouth fell slack and he let soft snores fall out. "Papa's little man" i whispered, pressing a lingering kiss to his soft forehead. "I love you so much baby boy" i bent down slowly to pick up his bunny and blankey, because if he woke up without them there would be world war 3, and then i slowly descended the stairs, my baby in my arms dreaming about a land where everything was just perfect.

I put him on the sofa while he slept for another while. Honestly, i expected him to wake up on the way downstairs but ok. He must be tired from the park or something. I switched on peppa pig incase he woke up and strolled to the kitchen for breakfast. Pancakes sound good right now, ohh and with strawberries on top, so i set to work mixing all the ingredients in a bowl.

"DAAHHHHIIII!!" Niall's awake anyway. "Comin' love" i called back, wiping my hands and gliding into the sitting room where Niall was sitting up playing with his bunnies ear, dummy bobbing up and down in his mouth and his eyes glued to his idol,peppa pig on the tv. "Papa wook" he lisped around his dummy pointing to the tv. "Oh no, did George fall?" I had to fake concern, i just didn't have the heart to hurt Niall's feelings. "Yweah" he whined. "Dahhi?" He asked again, confused as too where his daddy was, usually he was just around the house. "Just me and you today bud" i sighed picking him up as he rested his head on my chest "and were gonna do whatever you want and were even gonna have pancakes for breakfast" i explained in an overly enthusiastic voice. Thats when his head shot up, his eyes staring into mine "Rweally?" He lisped with wide eyes, wow they were a replica of louis. "Of course darlin' cmon" and with that we strolled out to the kitchen.

Niall really was adorable. I put him in his highchair while i cooked the pancakes and the whole time all i could here was "higher papa!" And "it gwonna fwall!" Whenever i flipped a pancake. "Papa would never do that" i chided back, and then , just for his enjoyment, i dropped the last one and laughed with him as he turned tomato red from laughing so hard."PPAAPPA!! YOU DWOP IT!" He screeched, belly-laughing and literally doubling over. I had to video his reaction, it was just so infectious.

After our pancakes we had a quick bath, nappy change and got dressed, getting ready for the day ahead. "So what's first on your little agenda?" I asked as we got back downstairs. Concentration flooded his little features. You could almost feel the stress radiating from him, so i just rubbed his back in small circles. "Papa! Weeee .... Oufside!" He concluded eventually. "Ok, ill go get the football yeah?" "FWUTBAALLLL!" Yup, definitely louis' son. I chuckled to myself as he just babbled away to himself in his own little language.

The second i opened the patio door, Niall bolted out as fast as his chubby, little legs could carry him straight into the freshly cut grass. Thank god its been dry the last few days so the ground isn't boggy. "Papa fwutball!" Niall called across the garden, so i kicked it in the opposite direction to give him a bit of a run. He squealed excitedly every time one of us kicked the ball. I suppose at that age everything is exciting.

After a while he started running away from the ball, which was obviously strange until i saw him toddling towards the swings. Of course, you cant take him outside without going on the swings. Its like 'Niall-code' or something. "Wings papa!" Niall exclaimed standing beside his swing being to small to get on by himself. "Would you like papa to put you on darlin'?" I asked picking him up and bouncing him on my hip. "Yeah papa yeah!" He answered clapping his hands and squealing. How could you say no? I lowered him in carefully and secured him in because as we learned from the park, Niall is a jumper.

I gently pushed the swing so he wasn't going too high or anything, don't wanna scare my baby. Each time i pushed he would just giggle harder and laugh his heart out. He was just a really happy boy. Always has been. His laugh is just contagious, especially when he cant stop laughing, it just cracks everyone up.

"Ni-ni, its two o clock now bud. Shall we get some nummies?" I asked picking him up and tickling his chubby belly as he squirmed and chuckled happily in my grasp "stop papa stop" he choked out between giggles. "Ok love, now, would nanas and bread or spaghetti hoops?" I enquired, bringing him inside. "NAANNAAAASS!" "That was a silly question wasn't it?" And with that i kissed his head, his wispy blonde hair tickling my lip. "Opps, you got a bit muddy didn't you?.. I think we'll change you after lunch and throw them in the washing machine before daddy sees yeah?" I noted taking in his appearance. He was covered in mud and dirt, or as mum used to call it, happy dirt.

Lunch came and went quickly, Niall babbling to himself as usual but he began to yawn and his eyes looked heavy. Just on time for his nap."cmon honey-bunny nap time." I said taking him out of his highchair and into my arms. "No papa no!" He began to struggle and squirm to get out of my arms. "Niall stop it this instant." I said with a firm tone "thats naughty" but i felt terrible when he then burst into tears and sharp sons wracked his body. "Aww whats wrong love?" I soothed and bounced him lightly on my hip. "I wanna stay with papa" he sobbed. Aww, usually he would go for louis, seen as louis is the one who carried him for 9 months and all.

"Shhh, its alright Niall, how about we watch a movie down here with your bottle yeah?" I cooed. He would be asleep within 10 minutes anyway, he was probably just tired. Its funny how quickly a child can stop crying when they want to. Niall went from full on sobs to sniffles in less than 30 seconds. "W-watch bwee mowie?" He sniffled into my shirt. "A bugs life? Yeah whatever you want to watch sleepy head"

I popped the movie into the DVD Player and while the trailers were playing i changed Niall into a onesie, grabbed his bunny, blankey and dummy and set him down on the sofa while i made his bottle. When i returned he was staring at me droopy eyed. "Papa pwess pway pweas" he slurred as his fingers played with his bunnies soft ears. "Sure thing" i replied, pressing play and sitting down next to Niall, letting him clamber onto my lap. He took the bottle into his tiny hands and laid on my chest, drinking his milk until he fell asleep peacefully, before the opening credits even finished. Poor thing must've been shattered! "Love you baby" i whispered kissing his button nose and turning down the tv so it wouldn't wake Niall.

Its only 3 o clock and already I'm exhausted. Imagine what it will be like when little peanut comes along. Oh god i really, really hope he or she is a placid baby. Before i knew it sleep overtook my body and much like my son on my chest, i was floating around in the land of my dreams.

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