She doesn't know much about the ninja life, much less about raising a child who will be apart of one of the most prestigious clans ever! With one hell of a notorious father! The thought only frightens her.

Tsunade sighs, knowing what she'll do next. "Yuki, as hokage of the hidden Leaf village I propose that you stay here for the time being. Therefore you and the baby would be protected from anyone who may want to cause harm."

Yuki's eyes snap up to hers, wide and surprised. "Y-you'd really let me stay?!" She asks, a wave of relief rushing through her. Tsunade nods, knowing that she's doing the right thing. Any family of Haru's is family of hers.

••Back to Haru's POV••

I know that killer B is strong, and I know that Sasuke is also strong. What I didn't know, WAS THAT THIS DAMN TEAM WOULD GET THEIR ASSES HANDED TO THEM!

I also didn't know that watching Sasuke fight gives me extreme uneasiness as I flinch every time an attack is directed at him.

I bring my attention back to the fight and nearly choke on my own spit when Sasuke's Chidori blade gets deflected by Killer B's pure strength and own blade. Also surprised by this, Sasuke doesn't react quickly enough.

Killer B uses the small moment of vulnerability to punch Sasuke with a fist filled witch chakra, causing the Uchiha to get practically flung away. I cringe away when I see Sasuke spit out some blood due to the punch and fall harshly to the floor.

Killer B smirks as Sasuke doesn't move from the ground. "Alright!" He yells before taking out some more blades and running over to Sasuke's unmoving body. My very busy eyes switch over to Team Taka who in a state of surprise, also begin to run over and defend the Uchiha.

Time seems to slow down and my breath hitches, I realize that Killer B seems to be closer than the other three to Sasuke. If I don't act now Killer B is going to reach Sasuke first!

I click my tongue and without thinking twice, bring my hands together in a simple pose. "Release." I murmur to myself. Suddenly a huge crystal wall bursts from the ground right in front of Sasuke, saving him just in time before Killer B could slash him.

I let out a sigh of relief and team Taka quickly reach Sasuke as they all stand behind the crystal wall. I narrow my eyes and swiftly transport to where they are through a crystal rose in the ground.

Suigetsu hurries around the wall and clashes blades with Killer B, gritting his teeth in frustration due to the large difference in strength. I quickly kneel down and cringe at Sasuke's injured state. I instinctively help him sit up so my hand is on his back making sure he doesn't fall backwards and my other hand is on his chest. Before I could say anything to him, Karin beats me to it.

"Sasuke quick! Hurry up and bite me!" She exclaims, pulling back the sleeve of her cloak and bringing her arm to his face. Question marks suddenly appear all around me and I hold the back of Sasuke's shirt so he wouldn't be able to do anything.

"Excuse me you want him to do what?" I ask, appalled by her orders. "Its to heal him!" Karin rapidly says. My narrows to slits, not liking the idea of his lips anywhere near her. but my grip on his shirt loosens and he suddenly bites her arm.

His whole body begins to glow green as if it were being healed and Karin makes one of the most disturbing sounds I've ever heard in my life. I look at her blushed cheeks in total disgust and harshly let go of Sasuke's shirt, standing up and walking to the crystal wall I created.

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