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"Good-Bye Louis." You mumbled kissing the tips of your fingers before pressing them on the cool, grey, tomb stone.

You stayed for hours more after family members lingered off back in their daily routines. Your black dress getting wetter by the minute from the rain that started as a drizzle. The clouds billowed high and dark but you stayed put.

"I wish.." Your voice croaked as you were inturupted by a crackle of lightning. "I wish, I was with you."

6 Months Earlier..

"Y/n.. I need you to sit down for a second." Louis said patting the space next to him on the bed. You curiously sat down staring at your boyfriend of 3 years.

"I came back from the doctors a few minutes ago as you know, and well.." Louis huffed, his eyes welled with tears but he didn't dare let them fall. Fear struck your body.

"Louis, please say something." You pleaded wanting him to finish the sentence, but he just sat there staring at you as if trying to find words, but he already knew what to say.

"It's stage 4 y/n, it's all over my body.. It's made of me." Louis whispered covering his hands with his face. You sat there petrefied, your mind was moving a million miles a second but was also blank. Louis looked back up at you the change in his eyes were as if the silence was killing him.

You used all your strength to find the right words to say but all that came out came to be was "God Louis.." You gasped finally catching your breath, which you guess you had lost. You wrapped your arms around Louis neck and let the tears fall freely.

"They said I had between 5 months and 1 year to live." His breath tickled your neck causing you to shiver. "Then let's make the most of what we have, right?" You coughed slightly.

5 Months and 3/4 Later..

You've done thousands of things with Louis that you didn't think you would have ever done. You did a zero gravity flight, you went to the Nile River, got married in Vegas (which had to be the best night of your life), and swam in the dead sea. It was best year of your life, but you knew it would also be the worst.

You and Louis were on the plane back to England becaues Louis was feeling nauseaous more and more often and sometimes had difficulty breathing. You landed in Doncaster to visit Louis family, once you saw them, Lottie, Phoebe, Daisy, Fizz and Louis parents all group hugged Louis tears streaming down each one of their faces.

You awkwardly stood there not knowing what to do before Phoebe grabbed your hand and led you into the group hug.

You all stood there hugging in a huddle it was quite the scene.

Louis suddenly pulled away wheezing.

"Louis?" You asked rushing over to him, "Louis! Somebody call an ambulance!" You cried.

You clutches Louis hand as the paramedics came.

Sadly they didn't let you ride in the ambulance.

You got a ride with all the family, sobs escaping each an everyone of the family members mouths, Daisy and Phoebe hugged eachother in the back seat, Lottie and Fizz grabbed hands, Lottie looked at you and smiled weakly before grabbing your hand and squeezing lightly.

Once you got to the hospital you ran out and in, you tried desperately to find a nurse that had any information on Louis.

"Ms, Ms! Do you know anything on how Louis Tomlinson is doing? I'm his wife."

"The information hasn't been released yet." She said walking away quickly and nervously.

"Please." You begged.

She didn't reply, defeated, you walked into the waiting room and waited for an answer.

After what felt like days a doctor came in and asked about who was here for Louis Tomlinson.

"Yes, that's us." Louis dad said.

"I'm afraid Louis has passed away." The doctor frowned.

You felt as if his words stabbed your heart and choked your neck.

You collapsed on the floor in a fit of tears and sobs. "Louis.. No.." You cried.

"Would you like to visit him.." The doctor asked you.

You sniffled and wiped your eyes.

You got up and followed the doctor down a maze of hallways, tears still cascaded down your face.

Then he stopped and opened the door and there you saw Louis, he was already so pale, he looked so angelic.

You ran to his bedside and hugged his cold, lifeless body.

"You didn't deserve to die." You said in between sobs. "It should've been me."

You were so scared to get up from him because you felt as if you held onto him he'd wake up.

"Louis.." You mumbled.

You slowly got up and looked at his face, you'll never see his bright blue eyes again, or his toothy grin.

The tears still fell and stained the front of your shirt.

"I'll be with you again one day." You whispered kissing his cooling lips one last time.

|a/n| If you wanna be shipped read down below 🙅🙊❤️

Louis you little shit, why'd you gotta die?

Guizzzzzzzzzz dat was real sad to write.


zee shipz are still going on. (wowie)

If YOU want to be shipped with either a...

One Direction or 5sos boy!

All you have to do is..

Ship meeeee with either a 5sos or One Direction boy:)

Simple as that!

so comment who u ship my swaggy friends. (jk lol i'm only swaggy)


If you want a sequel on any stories or any suggestions on a new story just comment or message me and I will start working on it!

I love you all and you're all very pretty:)





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