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"Louis!" You giggled as Louis picked you up and spun you around. "You are the most beautiful girl in the world." Louis smiled at you as he put you down lightly.

You blushed.

"But blushing adds on alot to your cuteness." Louis said before cupping your face and kissing it your lips moving in sync before you realized.

"Louis! We're in public!" You laughed pulling away. "Does it look like I care woman!" Louis said pecking your lips once more.

"Y/n, you know I am leaving for the tour tomorrow, but your leaving for school today.." Louis said wrapping his arms around your waist and leaning his forehead on yours.

"I know.." You croaked. You were at the airport right now waiting for your plane to be called.

"How long is the tour again?" You asked louis quietly. "6 months." Louis gulped. "Oh.." You mumbled a tear managing to escape. "Princess don't cry! I will try to visit you every chance I get!" Louis said kissing your forehead.

'Plane 103 London for boarding.' The announcer called in the speakers.

"That's me." You said silently tears falling down your face. "Princess don't worry, the next time I see you I will have something for you." Louis said grabbing both of your hands and squeezing them and bringing you closer to him.

"I love you Louis Tomlinson." You smiled tears brimming your eyes. " and I love you y/n y/l/n." with that he kissed your lips sweetly. They were so warm and soft and always gave you butterflies you know he was the one.

"Bye Lou."you said pulling apart. "Bye babe." He said handing you your suitcase you smiled at him before walking off casually glancing behind you to see him smiling weakly and waving.

Once you turned the corner you immediately let the tears fall one by one.

3 months later

You've skyped, texted, tweeted, called and facetimed eachother all the time, your roommate always laughed at you for being into your laptop or phone the whole day.

"Babe I got 3 free days!" Louis smile radiated off your laptop screen. "Really?!" You squealed. It's been 3 months since you've seen louis last at the airport, he was finally going to give you that gift he'd been talking about for ages.

"Whens that!?" You squealed smiling ear to ear. "Im leaving tomorrow morning hon, be there tomorrow afternoon!" Louis smiled, "And im giving you your giiiiiift." Louis sang. "Oh shush, Lo ucan I atleast get a hint." You smirked. "Okay, fine. Its something you've always dreamed about." Louis blushed.

"Lou! Now I am really excited!! I love you so much!" You smiled. "I love you so much to babe, whatever happens I love you." Lou smiled back. You than heard some muffled yells from you computer. "I have to go babe, see you tomorrow! Im so excited! Love you!!' Louis smiled sympathetically. "I love you too Louis. Give me one last smile to get me through the night." YOu asked.

He smiled brightly and said "I love you so much y/n." you saved that image of him smiling into your brain and said "Love you to Lou now go and do whatever the boys want you too!" You smiled as you both turned off Skype and you fell asleep, dreaming of Louis.


You woke up around 1:34 pm. LOUIS SHOULD BE HERE SOON! you quickly jumped off the couch and got changed and brushed my hair.

*Knock knock knock* you quickly ran to answer the door expecting to find a smiling lou, but instead found and frowning police officer. "Is there a problem sir?" you asked, "Are you oMrs, Y/L/N?" the officer asked.

"Umm yes?" you asked nervously. "Louis Tomlinson has, um been in a plane crash and.. didn't survive." the officer said solemnly. "What?" you said falling to your knees in sobs. "Im so sorry Mrs. Y/L/N I think Louis wanted to give you this." The officer said handing you a small box. Is this the gift he wanted to give you?

"Thank you." you said standing up tears streaming down your face and shut the door.

you some how made it to the couch, your knees wobbling. you quickly wiped away the tears this gift is supposed to mean something happy. You opened up the box and noticed what was inside and the tears began falling again.

It was the most beautiful diamond ring, the one you admired out at the mall one day with Louis. it had a note that said. "To Mrs. Tomlinson." You quickly put the ring on and cried and cried for days.

one day you heard a knock on the door, but didn't answer. then the door quickly opened and 4 teary eyed boys stumbled in.

"Y/n.." they all cried and hugged you. "L-Louis wanted to give you this." Harry said tears falling down his face as he handed you a large bag.

you took the bag and weakly smiled as you opened it. there was a giant teddy bear, then something wrapped in tissue paper. You pulled the teddy bear out and tossed it to Niall whos face was tear stained. Then you pulled out the rectangular heavy thing.

Once you tore it open you saw It was a picture frame. Pictures of  everything you and Louis did together, from the fair, to concert to nights in. You immediately sobbed louder and louder.

How am I going to live without Lou you thought, that's right, im not..


Hey there fancy people, OMG ALMOSY 3k? I LOVE YOU ALL! Hey! Im taking in requests! Comment or inbox! LOVE YOU ALL!

Don't forget to read my other books :)




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