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You went to the your boyfriend Niall Horan's concert. He's been getting a lot of hate lately and you were there to comfort him.

In his solo little Things his microphone was coincidentally turned down. You heard people yell nasty things at him as he started to tear up and look for you in the crowd. You quickly moved towards security and they instantly took you backstage.

You weren't supposed to go on-stage, but you felt like something was pushing you to go. When you walked on stage, the bright lights blinded you and caused you to stumble back a step or two. You saw how Louis gave Niall's his microphone, but as soon as everyone saw you they screamed.

It caused them to look back but continuing to sing. You sat next to Niall with your arm around his shoulder and you rested your head on his other shoulder, you can feel his mood lift when he saw you but nothing really changed how he felt.

Once the song was finished he kissed you which cause the arena to erupt in screams, you smiled and gave him one a hug, which also resulted in the boys hugging you as well, then you hopped off the stage. 


You and Niall headed home that night. He was still upset about earlier.

"Don't listen to what they say." You said as you held his hands as you drove.

"It's just maybe I don't deserve to be in the band! The management thinks so! I don't even deserve you. Sometimes I think that everyone and everything would be better off without me" He shouted, the tip of his ears turned a bright red, causing you to park the car on the side if the road.

"Niall James Horan, don't you ever think like that!! I love you, I love your voice and I love who you are. You deserve, you're perfect and caring and sensitive your sweet and compassionate and so care free. That's why I love you." You said pulling him into a kiss.

"I love you too."


A few months later another hater show happened to Niall but you weren't there. The boys tried to help Niall but that don't work.

You were coming home that night from a trip from visiting your friend who lived 3 hours away.

When you got home you heard 3 terrifying phone calls.

1 from Liam 1 from Louis and 1 from Zayn and Harry.

"Y/n have you seen Niall he ran off after the concert! He was getting a large amount of hate and we lost him, he's gone." Liam's voice filled with worry.

You called Niall you were sure about 100 times with no answer, guilt and dear imbedded in your stomach.

You drove right to the back of the arena and saw Liam sitting on the pavement covering his face. You didn't realize it but you had tears streaming down your face.

"We got a call.." Liam said his voice cracking, he didn't even look up at you. "W-what did it say?" You whispered..

Liam didn't answer causing you to yell louder, "What did it say!" 

"It was a police officer. Niall, got into a car accident." Liam said covering his face and paused before taking in a deep shaky breath. "And?" You said afraid to ask but you just had to.

"He-he died on impact." He croaked out.

You felt your heart drop to your stomach, words and thoughts rambled in your head but before you could process anything  you shouted"No!" Your legs felt like jelly but you started running, you couldn't just stand there you had to do something. "Y/n wait!" Liam said running up to you and grabbing your arm. "Don't run off. Please." Liam said causing you to break down in tears." "We can't lose you too."

"T-take me to the hospital. Please.."**

You were in the hospital for about 45 minutes, the doctors sent you and the boys to a private room, and sat in silence but Zayn kept his hand your knee as a comforting gesture. Finally, a doctor came in and gave his condolences and said we were allowed to go into the room, the boys said you could go first so you mustered all the strength left in your body and followed the doctor. As you entered the room you saw Niall's lifeless body covered with scratches and bruises.

Without hesitation, you ran to the side if the bed and hugged his cold body. "Why did you leave me?" You whispered into his hospital gown."I love you." You repeated over and over again. Time must have flown by because you heard a voice. "Miss I'm very sorry but I have to ask you to leave." A nurse said. "Miss, please."

"No, I can't go! I have to stay here!" You shouted hugging his body tighter, hoping that all of a sudden he would wrap his arms around you again.

"Please!" You said the tears in your eyes soaking Niall's hospital gown. Then, you felt two arms wrap around your waist and drag you out. "Niall!" You shouted still wishing he'd come back, reach out to you and tell you that everything will be okay.

It's useless he'll never come back.

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