Zayn Sequel (happy)

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Thanks to fournippleharry (I love the username) for suggesting a happy ending and Princesspeterson for suggestion a second part. You guys are some rad kids.

Stupid Jenna you thought as you slammed the door to your flat. She was the one that made you break up with him. She was always so supportive about yours and Zayn's relationship, you never thought she would be the one causing it to end. You never thought that it would end.

You ran to your room collapsing on the bed not bothering to answer the thousands of calls and text messages Zayn was sending.

Tears ran non-stop down your face as you cried and cried and cried, for days it felt like. Why did Jenna have to blackmail you? What use did she have ruin your life?

"I have nobody now!" You screamed into your pillow.

It was true.

You left to move to London without your parents permission, you were sure they hated you for it. You had no friends now, since you left Zayn. You couldn't see the One Direction or 5sos boys and you were not going back to Jenna, no way in hell would you.

You never felt so alone in your life.


Your body ached.

Your lips burned.

Your fingertips tingled.

All for his touch.

3 Months Later.. You were still such a wreck, you had no idea what to do with yourself. The only ways you got out of the house was to go to work and to get groceries, other then that you lived in your bed. Comforted by your light green comforter and of course, Netflix and pizza.

You watched hunndreds of movies non-stop and ate Pizza, you decided you needed to work out.

You got on some excersise shorts and a black REBOOK t-shirt and laced you running shoes.

It was a warmspring day, the sun was shining and the flowers were starting to bloom, you hated it. You wanted everything to die. No, you wanted Jenna to die.

Even though it's been 3 months, you just couldn't move on. It was physically and mentally impossible..

You put your head phones in your ears and hit shuffle, of course it had to play Summer Love by One Direction, You quickly hit the play for the next song and sighed in relief as Marina and The Diamonds voice filled your ears, Teen Idle had to be your favourite song.

You started running, you occasionally got second glances from teenage girls who probably recognized you from being Zayns girlfriend.

You continued running and running and running, you finally forgot about Zayn and focused on how much you enjoyed running now.

You felt free.

You ran until you found yourself in the heart of London. Which was odd because you lived a 10 minute drive away from there. Which is a far walk/run.

You checked your watch continuing to run 11:40, you left for your run at 9:15.

Suddenly you collided with someone.

You fell to the cement sidewalk.

"Y/n?" Zayn said standing above you. You looked up in shock and embarassment.

"Fuck.." You Groaned as you tried to scramble away.

"Y/n!" Zayn said grabbing your arms and standing you up.

You got a good look at Zayn, His beard long but not too long, it was scruffier, his eyes had dark bags that you could see under his sunglasses and his hair wasn't the neatest. He was wearing a red NIKE t-shirt and black Adidas shorts the ones you got him for your 1 year anniversary last year.

"W-what?" You asked.

"You need to explain to me." Zayn said pulling you out of traffic. You saw 3 of his body guards around both of you. "I'd rather not talk to you in front of people." You said pulling away.

"Then come over to my flat, please. You know it's not far."


"I atleast deserve and explanation to why you left me, i've been in the dark for 3 months now, I need to know."

He was right, but.. Jenna.

"I can't tell you." You whispered.

"Y/n, did someone threaten you?" Zayn said looking at you full of concern.

When you didn't respond Zayn dragged you 3 blocks away and up the stairs into his apartment.

"Y/n, please explain how you were threatened and how telling me would have made our lives miserable, because clearly you still love me and i still love you."

"You still love me?' You asked, "Even though I broke your heart?"

"I always will love y/n, but you need to explain so I can help."

"Jenna.." You started saying.


You sat down on the black leather couch and took a deep breath, "She said that if I, um don't break up with you she will do something to your career, and I didn't want you to lose your dream because of me." You started crying, you missed Zayn so incredibly.

"Y/n, I care about you more then I care about my career because you're my dream."

"I'm you're dream?"

"I've always wanted to be lucky enough to have someone like you to call mine, when you left me, my dreams were shattered because I knew I wouldn't find someone as perfect as you are ever again."

Zayn sat down next to you and held both of your hands.

"I will never let anything come between us but I need you to do that too, if you do we'd last forever."

"Nothing last forever Zayn."

"Then we'd last a life time, y/n." Zayn said cupping your face with his hand you smiled lightly.

"We can."


Happy update for you guysssss you can still cry tho right? Happy tears.


kkkkkkkk so if you, my beautiful people, ship me with either a 5sos or One Direction member, I will you ship you with one back!

Also you can suggest sequels to chapters and give me some ideas for upcoming stories!

I love you all and you are all very pretty!





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