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Mag's pov

"A beach?" Niya asked as her eyes popped out.

"I like beaches," I said with a smirk to annoy Niya.

"I fucking hate the sun and going to the beach is like asking the sun to sit on your lap," She said putting her hands on her cheeks in a dramatic way.

"why do you guys say things that don't make sense?" Sam asked as he hopped out of the back seat.

After a long, silent, awkward ride we had finally reached our destination which happened to be a beach resort. The moment Niya realized we were at a beach she started a drama worth watching.

"Not talking to you" I spat hatefully.

He looked at me with a frown expression. I really pissed him off. Not that I care...

"Okay guys looks like things are done here," Shawn said as he walked over to us. " But unfortunately it had only couple rooms available for us so..."

"Who's with whom?" Adam asked.

"Umm...Adam and Niya, Me and Betty, Sam and Mag," He replied with a sigh.

Were you expecting me to say something? I won't. My life has always been this way.

I need to accept my fate.

"I won't allow that" Adam suddenly blurted out surprising everyone around.

"Adam?" Sam said looking at him angrily.

"Hey it's okay," I said tugging his shirt.

"I promised right Mag?" He replied with a sad look.

"We can't help it and anyways I'm strong now," I said patting my muscles with a forced smile on my face.

I let out a small sigh as I grabbed my suitcase and followed the others into the hotel.

"Mag come on you know you can't keep up with him anymore, Mag stop being so stubborn and listen to Adam ya please," Niya said trying to keep her pace with me.

" Look I am seriously saying I'll be-" 


I suddenly felt my pants heavy and damp. I looked down to see half of my body submerged in water. I shifted my gaze all around the reception only to realize that I was standing in a water fountain that was supposedly built for show.

Everyone burst into laughter as my cheeks grew as red as a tomato. To worsen the situation I realized that my suitcase was under water too.  It was probably having fun diving into the cold water and soon I would have fun wearing cold and watery clothes. YAY!!

"Oh.My.God.Mag.That.Was.Epic." Niya was now sitting on the floor laughing so much that she was hardly audible.

"ugh!" I groaned getting up all soaked and wet.

Way to go Mag.

Shawn's pov

I tried to contain my laugh but in vain. Mag was looking so cut- I mean funny in her soaked clothes and red cheeks.
I looked around to see Sam smirk while looking at Mag. A spark of jealousy flowed through my body as my instincts made me walk towards may and wrap my jacket covering the faint pinkish colour that was visible from her wet white t-shirt.

"Thank you" she murmured still sounding shy.

I smiled genuinely and said," let's go". The others nodded in agreement as they followed me towards the elevator.

We started entering the elevator one by one...God.

As soon as Mag entered the elevator, the doors shut closed trapping her right between them. Lmao.

" Will someone help me ?" She managed to stutter but everyone was too busy focusing on their laughter.

She let out a sigh of relief as the doors opened again allowing her to enter with a pout and frowned eyebrows.

She is so cute.

I mentally slapped myself at saying that. For God sake...I have a beautiful girlfriend.

We reached our destined floor to be welcomed by a woman in a sundress.

"Please enjoy your grand stay" she said with a big smile.

Grand stay? It was surely a grand entry though.


The shortest chapter yet. Sorry for the late update. Busy days you know. I try my best :)

Thank you for your support and love.

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Attached  // Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now