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Omg...I know right..HE is soooo...aaaaahh.....                                                                                                   Anyways....Enjoy :)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ********************

Shawn's p.o.v

I sat on the couch in front of Mag with a magazine in my hand as I saw them leave. I picked up the magazine that was kept on the table waiting for her to get up. It was boring but I felt somewhat good just sitting there...I don't know why..Maybe because there were no fans or people screaming right beside my ear.It almost fell like a normal quite life but then as I turned the pages of the magazine I saw an article on me that pretty much reminded me of my reality.Huh.

I closed the magazine and slowly looked up to see Mag sleeping peacefully.It was weird....what she did earlier. I carefully studied her as she rolled over the couch facing towards me. I could see her hair falling on her immaculate  face with kissable lips that made her look so appealing. I got up from my couch and slowly walked towards her and sat on the floor resting my elbows on my knees while holding my chin with my palms to have a better look at her. Her black hair was cut into a grunge bob cut with blue color highlights that perfectly fitted her round and charming face. I gently pushed her blue-black hair streaks that were falling on her eyes and put them behinds her ears. I could feel her soft skin as my fingers brushed across her face.Suddenly there was a warmth on my finger. Tears fell from her eyes as she softly moaned,"No". My heart started beating fast for a moment as i thought that she was offended by me."Umm..sorry" I said moving my hands from her face and sat up straight waiting for her response.

After a few seconds I realized that she was still not awake.It must be a bad dream. I removed the tears from her face with my thumb as i slowly tried to call out her name.


"Wake up, sleepy head."

Mag's p.o.v


I could feel a strong painful sensation on my cheeks. I looked up to see the person who I never wanted to see again standing right in front of me with angry eyes.

"SAM!" I shouted.

"You deserved that bitch."He yelled. He grabbed me by my hair pulled me to his room and threw me on his bed. As I tried to get up he poured himself on me and grabbed my wrists putting them on top of my head. As I struggled to get out of his grip he started to kiss me roughly. He started to rip off my clothes as I still struggled. His kiss slowly turned into hickeys. I stopped struggling while he touched me however he wanted to.I gave up.My hands and lags became numb. Tears fell down my cheeks and I softly cried,"No".I could feel my heart becoming heavy. I wanted to yell and cry at the top of my lungs but I had no energy left. Everything was black around me. 

But then out of nowhere I heard a faint voice calling out my name.


"Wake up, sleepy head." 

I opened my eyes glad to find that pain just a dream. My eyes wandered around as it finally got locked with the innocent and sweet looking eyes that were staring at me. It was like this for few seconds until I finally realized and remembered what had happened. I could still feel my eyes wet and soggy.

"Hey you were crying in your sleep.You okay ?" I saw Shawn looking at me as I slowly sat up. I could not fight my tears anymore. I kept my palms on my face and started crying. I felt the couch getting heavier on beside me. I looked up to see Shawn placing his hands on my shoulder as he asked with a concerned look,"Hey you fine?" I hugged him placing my forehead on his chest and started crying even louder. My heart felt heavy because deep inside i knew that the dream was actually a memory turned nightmare.

Shawn's p.o.v  

I saw her face starting to get red as I told her about her tears. She suddenly placed her palms on her face and started weeping softly. I sat beside her and slowly placed my hands on her shoulders pulling her closer. She looked up at me with red cheeks and soggy eyes. 

"You fine?" I asked. She did not reply. I looked at her as my heart started racing. All of a sudden she hugged me tightly and hit her forehead on my chest bursting out her tears. I could feel her warm tears making my blue t-shirt dank. I didn't mind instead I pulled her closer rubbing her back.

"Don't worry.You'll be fine. I am here." I whispered into her ears as I brought my head closer to her shoulder. She tightened her grip. My nose was now brushing her shoulders as I could smell the lavender scent coming from her hair. It felt like my heart would burst into pieces. I closed my eyes wanting to hold her like this forever.

She slowly moved her head away from my chest after we stayed like that for a minute which  almost felt like eternity. 

"Sorry..I-I" Her voice cracked as she slowly tried to speak.

"It's okay. I get nightmares too. You are fine here. You are safe." I said giving her a cheerful smile. I wanted to see her smile the way she did few hours ago.


"Woahhh!! Did you span- Did.....Did I just get abused by a girl???!!" I shouted with my mouth wide open.

Mag,Niya and Mrs.Burnerr stared at me for a few seconds till they all burst into laughter.

"guys?" I asked looking at them with confusion.

"Oh my God I am sorry Shawn I...your hips..they are guess" she replied biting the bottom of her lips in embarrassment. Oh my god ! I couldn't focus on what she said just now. I was having butterflies in my stomach as I saw her bite her lips.

I let out a small laugh and said as i jumped back on the couch, "I have no idea what just happened but I will take that as a compliment."

I looked at her laugh. She was so beautiful. Her smile was worth everything in this world. I just wished to see it longer.....

**flashback end**

"Umm...Do you want me show you around." I asked.

"Sure." she replied giving a weak smile.She got up and brushed her hair with her hands letting her blue streaks fall over her right cheek.

I got up making my way out of the door as she followed me silently rubbing her eyes and cheeks to remove the traces of her tears.


I know I made it really detailed but as I told you i hate rushing things and I felt like this was their first moment together so yeah....OMG I am literally having butterflies just by the thought of Shawn..Awwww!! guys please vote and comment...the more votes the motivation to continue writing....and...if you have anything to ask you can totally. If its private you can reach me on my Instagram account. 

Insta- @mxxhxa 

And yeah please follow me on my instagram account so that I have least something to show my know...hehehheheheh...kidding..not...

Okay i'll shut up now -_- 

Keep on reading guys love youuu !!! :) Right..I was gonna shut up..

Attached  // Shawn MendesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora