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Mag walked all over her room while Niya tried to set up the microphones and the guitar.

"Stop racing around and help me will you? " Niya said bending over to reach the laptop.

"I am nervous" Mag replied bluntly while staring at the wall biting her nails.

"Come on. I have set it all up and I am guessing we have a nice DAW huh?" Niya asked skeptically.

"yah the free one" Mag replied.

"I knew it. God! Lets just deal with it okay come on..."


"Its just YouTube okay and its not like we are showing our faces. Come on..."

Mag walked over to the table which looked like a studio with all the mics and wires spread out.

Niya clicked the recording button and started singing softly. Mag was an alto and Niya was a mezzo-soprano so they both decided to do variations in the song 'diamonds' that would make it more original. Mag played the guitar and soon after the first verse she started singing too. Both of them were in sync and had got deeply involved with the song.

Shine bright like a diamond.....

With this they ended their song . Mag let out a sigh of relief as Niya sat down to edit their song and upload it. 

"Okay its done ..."Niya said getting up from her chair.

"They are gonna hate it." Mag said sitting down on her bed. She slowly brought her knees close to her chest and placed her forehead on them.

"hey" Niya walked towards Mag as she continued," You dont know that" She paused for a second."Shawn is looking at you and you know he hates it when you are sad"

Mag looked up as she saw the posters of Shawn Mendes on her walls staring at her. "I dont know!" Mag whined as she walked over to one of the posters. She pressed her cheeks against the poster and moved her hands all over his face.

"I will be brave Shawn I know you want me to."She said moving her index finger along his lips.

"Eww. Gross" Niya said as she exited the room closing the door behind her.

It had been 3 months since they had uploaded 5 songs on their account 'thesecretvoices'

"Did you check the views?" Mag asked as they walked through the school lobby.

"You told me not to " Niya replied opening her locker.

"Oh right " Mag walked over to her locker.

"Hey they are so amazing" A boy said as he walked with his group right past Mag and Niya.

"Who are they talking about ?"Niya asked walking towards Mag while looking at all the people staring at their phone.

"Must be another viral video"Mag replied closing her locker.

"Its the freaks!!" Adam shouted looking at Mag and Niya. Everyone in the lobby started laughing.

"I hate him!" Mag said with frustration and anger. She wanted to go and give Adam a good thrashing but Niya always stopped her so she didnt move.

Mag and Niya were called the freaks of the school as they always remained within themselves and never attended any parties or prom or anything of that stuff. They would instead help out with the arrangements because they would get paid for that and the money would help Mag pay for all the courses that she took.

"Here comes you ex " Niya said slowly turning towards the locker.

A dark skinned boy with brown hair and thick eyebrows walked over to them. Now the main character of the story without an ex nah sounds bad. So here he was Sam Carter.

"Hey babe."

"I am not your babe prom king''Mag replied looking away." And your near dear best friend Adam is there so you have no reason to be standing here. My fist-" 

"I just need you phone babe." Sam cut her off.

"Excuse me . If you mind looking around everyone has got one in their hands." Niya said in a rude tone.

"I need to play the new viral video during the assembly and my phone is dead...but remember I once made your phone compatible with the-"

"Here just go"Mag said cutting him off and handed over her phone.

Mag was becoming impatient. She just wanted him to leave.His face reminded her of all those abusive days when she got to know who the true Sam was under his made up popularity.Their break up was only possible when Mag started to take boxing classes and learning how to fight. But that also made her the freak from the prom queen. Well it never mattered to her though because she could become the rebel she is now because of all the bullying so...being the rebel actually made her happy and not depressed and of course Shawn's posters made a huge contribution too.

All the students were seated in the auditorium when the assembly began.The principle was giving his lecture and as usual Mag was yawning.

"So students lets end this assembly with the video our Sam and his boys want to show." The principle said completing his speech.

"The principle worships Sam too. Oh God this is so messed up." Niya whispered as Sam walked onto the stage.

"Guys its the new viral video on YouTube. Well it doesnt have a video it is more kind of an audio but you would love it cause we love music dont we?" Sam shouted.

Everyone cheered and clapped their hands as the video started.

Find light on the beautiful sea...I choose to be happy...You and I ....

As the song started Mag and Niya sat up straight. It sounded really familiar. Their eyes widened and their mouths opened in an awe when the variation they had created echoed throughout the hall.

Shine bright like a diamond...Shine bright like a diamond..

Mag's heart started racing. She looked at Niya who was staring right back at her while lip-syncing the words Holy shit ! 

Attached  // Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now