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*buzz buzz*

Niya: I am here come on out !!

Mag: Be right there 

Mag came out of her house and saw Niya leaning on her car that was parked on opposite side of the street. Both of them put their shades on and got into the car.

"Got over it ?" Niya asked Mag as she drove across the lanes with beautiful gardens and white houses.

"Yeah I did" Mag replied.

"I told you that our song was great."

"Yeah 2.2M subscribers in just a few months for just like 8 videos yeah...we were great!!" Mag said looking at the little kids playing on the streets as Niya turned left.

"Well...we are here.You know I am eager to meet doc. She is amazing and I missed her!" Niya said opening the door of the car.

"I know. I seriously wished for her to adopt me." Mag said knocking on the brown door as it slowly opened revealing an old lady in her late 50's.

"Hey doc." Niya said walking into the house.

"Oh Mag and Niya! What a pleasant surprise! " Doc exclaimed closing the door."What brings you here after a year huh?"

"Oh doc I am sorry I just focused on getting better by doing different kind of things you know as you told me to and I just couldnt get the time to come here. Sorrrrryy Doc" Mag said hugging her tightly.

"We have a lot of good news doc" Niya said as she jumped onto the couch.

"No more shocks?" Doc asked.

"Yeah many " Mag said with a sigh.

"Oh my God Mag are-are you taking your medicines then?" Doc asked in a worried tone.

"Oh Doc she didn't mean the neurogenic shock that's stopped for almost a year. She more like meant the normal you know the excited shock."Niya said turning back to face them.

"Oh so what about it?"Doc asked.

"First our YouTube video is a hit and second I didnt take any medicines for a year doc yay! I am finally better." Mag said cheering and gave a happy look to Doc.

*Buzz Buzz Buzz*

Mag's phone started ringing. " I am taking that " Niya said jumping from the couch and ran towards the phone which was vibrating on the table.

"Hello" Niya said picking up the phone.

"Okay. uh-huh Yah surely Right now? Yah okay. Yah just message me the address.Okay yah bye" Niya said with small intervals in between.

"Holy shit dude dude shit shit shit " Niya shouted jumping and running all over the house as soon as she kept the phone down.

"WHAT?!!" Mag exclaimed as Niya told her about the conversation she had on the phone.

"Which music company is it?" Doc asked.

"The one that I think signed a lot of famous stars." Niya replied excitedly.

"Lets go right now come on " Mag said getting up from her seat. 

"Hey Mag listen on a serious note be know right? Famous is like getting a lot of negative comments too and if anything gets related to your past its not good for you...m-more shocks can be fatal for you...and you just cannot take medicines." Doc said softly.

"i ll be fine " Mag replied.

"Doc explain " Niya said walking over to Doc.

"Look the shocks started from the medications for depression that she literally overdosed and then with your mental help and some vasopressors she is finally forgetting her past and not having the anti-depressed medicines....but becoming a public figure know right.J-Just be careful please." Doc said looking at Niya.

"Come on lets go" Mag shouted from the door.

"Yeah....I ll take care of her Doc." Niya said placing her hands on Doc's shoulder and gave her a genuine smile. She walked out of the house and in a few minutes Doc saw them drive past her as she stood on the door waving.

Both of them soon reached the address that Niya had received on her phone. 

It was a tall, thin and huge glass building that looked exactly like a big grand music production company.

"Mag promise me one comments.."Niya said as they went inside the building

"I wont read any comments...I promise." Mag said looking at Niya with a smile.

They reached the reception and saw a beautiful young lady standing with a smile on her face ready to help them with their needs.

"Hi umm..I think a women umm...Mrs.Burnerr is expecting us..." Niya said placing her hands on the counter.

"One second pls" the lady replied as she picked up the phone for confirmation.

"Floor 16 the meeting room." she informed keeping the phone down

"oh ok" They replied and walked towards the elevator.

They were soon inside the meeting room which did not look like a meeting room at all.

There were couches and chairs placed parallel and facing each other with a small circular table in between. The whole room was covered in a red and black carpet with posters of famous singers. 

"That's Adele" Niya whispered in Mag's ear pointing towards a poster as a lady in her mid 30's entered the room. 

"Mag and Niya 'thesecretvoices' welcome" She said as she sat on the chair opposite to them. She was good looking lady with dark hair, white skin and blue eyes.She wore a white formal shirt and a tight pencil skirt revealing her perfect curved figure.

"Ooh blue eyes wow" Mag shouted. Niya poked her in the waist indicating her to behave properly.

The lady let out a small laugh and said," Hi ! I am Mrs.Burnerr. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too" Niya replied giving a firm handshake. 

Mrs.Burnerr put a file on the table and pushed it towards them. 

"Have a look" she said 

Niya and Mag went through the papers for 15 minutes.

"good" Niya replied signing the papers. She handed it over to Mag for her sign.

" Okay so for your first...Niya we have solo album that I would like you to have a look and if it suites you then we'll go ahead with it." She said taking the file back from Mag.

"Great" Niya said with excitement 

"And Mag we are really in need of an alto so we would like you to do a duo for are new album.Is that okay?"

"Sure. who with?"

"Yeah I have called him. He'll be here soon....We have some terms that we need to talk about so let's wait till he comes" 

"Okay" Mag replied with a small smile as she stared at the poster of Shawn Mendes on the wall right opposite to her.

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