Chapter 139: Un-Normal-ing Koraco

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"What now?" It was a berating comment not-so-suddenly distressed over her own existence. "Yes?"

The older servant seemed quite uneasy. She didn't understand why suddenly everyone, young and old, higher and lower in authority in that household, was coming to her. She'd only worked in that manor for eight years and was nowhere anything more than just a common servant that did her job and kept to herself. She got promoted, "promoted" again, and was a hotspot of attention when she least wanted it. Everyone was sulking or keeping their happy moods to a minimum. There wasn't much to be joyful about when winter was coming and the harvest had mostly been sold to the capital after a dry season had hit the northern territories, leaving them with only barely enough to make it through the longest season of the year. Wasn't she allowed to sulk as well, in her own little world?

Yet they were all coming to her. So no, it didn't seem like she was allowed to.

"A visitor is requesting to see you."


Me? I don't know anyone that would visit me...

"At the front gate. A man, he says he knows you and would like to talk."

The situation warranted another frown, although not one too deep to make it seem like she was mad at the servant. He was older than her, after all. It would be rude.

"Why didn't you let him in?"

"Well...he seems suspicious."

So why wouldn't you just turn him away?

"And now you want me to meet him?"

"He won't leave until he does."

"And he won't talk to anyone else?"

"He'll only speak to you."

The irritation was coming back.

"And the guards aren't willing to turn away a suspicious stranger?"

The servant looked uncomfortable. He glanced over his shoulder, towards the front of the manor.

"He seems...strong."

Irritation turned to her discomfort and encroaching nervousness. A strong, suspicious stranger that knew her and would only talk to her.

Why do I have the feeling that this won't end well?

It wasn't like she had any choice after hearing all of that.

So, with growing butterflies in her stomach, she sighed and answered the servant back. "Take this to the lord's bath and heat it up for him. He should be having a meal in his office now. Don't disturb him."

"Thank you, Magaris."

"It's fine."

Occurrences that no other noble house had to deal with were seemingly commonplace at the estate of the de Libellules. Or at least, they happened enough that they were able to somewhat flex around the situation although they couldn't exactly "deal with" it. Most of the time, the one that caused the trouble was there to fix it easily.

The servant almost ran into the house, he was so grateful to have been given another task. Perhaps he was guilty for presenting Magaris with the facts and coercing her answer towards an "I'll go" instead of supporting her if she said "I don't want to go."

The field was covered with snow. No one was out on the training grounds for the week, as they were home with their families preparing for the winter. All those that lived in nearby villages had taken off. Only the guards at the gate and a few servants to keep the general upkeep of the estate going were still on the property. There was still time before Decembre, but it was better to have all of the preparations done as soon as possible.

A Tale of One Deviant (Book One)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora