Chapter 92: King and Knight

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"So you finally realized that you need to spend more time with your children and show them love?" I appeared like a ghost in his office with an evil smile, not matching my words at all. He wasn't afraid of it since he knew I was coming - he was the one who called me, two seconds before I appeared. I'd been "chillaxing" in my room before then, laying on my bed while throwing a physical ball up in the air and catching it as it came back down. It's not like I hit my face once or twice.

I'd been waiting for him to call. I - no, he and the children - really needed this.

"You don't have to put it that way, but yes," he said while clasping his hands on his desk.

It felt like there was something different as I looked around the office, then I gasped audibly in shock.

"You finally cleaned! There's not a single paper in sight!" I clapped my hands in awe as I spun around with a teasing smile on my face. "Yes! The workaholic stays in on this rainy day!"

"I'm not a workaholic, and it isn't raining. It's the middle of summer, which means the suns will be out all day. Is there something wrong with you?" He reluctantly spoke with me.

"Don't question it. Besides, why did you clean?" I finally came to sit in my comfy chair, pulling out my signature grapes.

"I thought I might as well get rid of all the work I have before I waste a whole work day. So, I did everything after you left and the ball ended."

"Oh! Your mother would be so proud of you, cleaning so well...wait, you didn't have the maids clean, did you?" I froze in eating my grape.

"What? No, that's sensitive information! They are not allowed to come anywhere near this room," he shook his head. "But with this, I probably won't have any work coming in. I'll only be behind for a few hours, which can be solved with some overtime."

There was a knock at the door.

"Sir? I have some more documents that I need you to sign right this moment, and then Thomas will bring some more later."

I burst out laughing while the king fell forward and hit his head on the desk, tired and wanting to give up. The look on his face right before that was picture worthy. I did end up flashing a picture, clicking it in my memory and saving it for later.

"Oh my Stars, you have even worse luck than me!" I exclaimed, slapping the arm of my chair.

I opened the door with telekinesis and waved with one hand behind me, "Come on in, come on in."

A page came into the room with a trolley full of papers and wheeled them to the side of the desk, staring at the king who had let his guard down, which made me laugh even harder and start wondering where the tears were coming from. The boy left in a hurry, noticing this was obviously something he shouldn't be seeing. Seeing my smiling and beautiful face, he blushed so hard his pale skin enflamed as he shut the door and ran away. He was probably going to tell "Thomas" to not go to the king's office for quite some time.

"What are you doing?" The king, who'd picked his head up, was staring at me as I frowned at the drops of water in my hands.

"Trying to figure out where these tears of laughter came from. That was hilarious, you know? But this shouldn't happen." I rolled them back and forth in my hand, curious.

"They leaked from under your mask? From, you know, your eyes?"

He didn't understand. Well, I didn't understand, but I was thinking about something else.

"You know this isn't how I really look, right?" My face went up from looking at my hands.

"Kind of," he gulped, looking away to the trolley, which made him sigh again just by seeing it. Standing up, pushing his chair back, the king automatically began to pull some stacks over to work. Already in to work mode, his eyes were glazing over and I knew if I didn't stop him somehow, then it'd be a rude awakening soon trying to pull the workaholic from his den.

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