-chapter 20-

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<pre>-chapter 20-

After having survived Johns driving the boys hurried to unpack all their stuff

and set up in record time with help from Lauren and I. We had only 30 minutes to

spare after we finished so we all just hung out backstage. We found a couple

couches and all sat down still tired from partying last night. I sat in Johns

lap with Lauren and Kennedy next to us. I leaned back on John and laid my head

on his shoulder. "I love you." I whispered. I watched the smile creep across his

face and he pulled me up and kissed me right there infront of everyone. There

was a chorus of "Aww's" and I felt my face get hot. As I pulled away John

grinned at me and said "Shailene, you're blushing." and that just made it worse.

I started to laugh as I couldn't do anything about my red face. Then everyone

began laughing at me too. I sat there just laughing, not really understanding

what was so funny. Pat looked at me and said "uh, Shea, are you okay? It really

wasn't THAT funny..." I stared up at him then began laughing again. "you guys.

She's lost it." Garrett announced and that made me laugh harder. I laughed so

hard I fell right out of John's lap onto the floor. "Garrett, don't you remember

the last time this happened?" John asked smiling. "oh god. Yes. Back in freshman

year when we pulled the all nighter and she got so tired...." Garrett said.

"yeah, I think she needs to go to sleep." John said scooping me up and putting

me back on the couch. "but I wanna see you guys play!" I said after finally

stopping laughing. "no. You're gonna keep your ass right here. We won't be gone

long." John said walking away towards the stage. I thought about getting up and

following them but then I realized how tired I truly was.

I woke up in the floor in-between Garrett and John. "what the hell?" I asked

with no response. I was in the bus, in the floor, with Garrett and John. I

looked at the clock, 6am. "John." I shook him awake. "hm?" he grunted not even

opening his eyes. "why are we in the floor? with Garrett?" I asked. John didn't

seem surprised as I was. "us three watched a movie last night, you were awake

for that. Then I guess we all fell asleep. No big deal." he said in this sexy

sleepy voice. "no, I don't remember any of that!" I said. "it's okay. You were

still half asleep when Garrett carried you in....It's fine." he said rolling

over on his stomach. "whatever." I said moving closer to him.

*4 hours later*

Everyone was dressed and ready to go do something. The boys had a day off today,

and we were gonna go do something fun. "an amusement park?" Lauren suggested.

"yes!" Pat said getting excited. "that sounds fun!" I agreed. "an amusement park

it is then." Kennedy said opening the door to the bus and leading our group out.

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