-chapter 8-

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-chapter 8-

The next morning I wake up on my own. I lay in my bed for a minute before I get up and see the guys. I still can't get over last night with Garrett. We didn't do anything but I feel so guilty. But yet I want more. I finally roll out of bed and I see everyone is up, except Garrett. I peek in his bed and he's sound asleep. He's so cute when he's sleeping I think to myself. I hoist myself up into his bunk. Its not an easy task, these beds aren't meant for two. Garrett opens his eyes slightly then grins when he sees me. "hey" he says in that sexy sleepy voice of his. "hi" I say smiling at him stupidly. "came back for more eh?" Garrett says laughing a little. I plant my lips to his. "whoa, you actually were!" he smiles at me kissing me again. I crawl on top of him, but the bed doesn't allow much movement without me slamming my head. "ouch!" I hiss rubbing the back of my head. "sorry baby. This isn't really meant for two." Garrett says. I laugh "yeah I know." He puts his hands on my hips and pulls me in closer to him. I smile and kiss him on his jaw line then down his collarbone. "mmm, Shailene." he says. I smile but tell him to be quiet. We don't want to get caught. Garrett digs his hips into mine. I know what he wants, but I'm not giving it to him this easily. "no sir." I say teasingly. "please?" he asks giving me this adorable pout. "nope!" i give him a pout as well. "but shaeeee..." he whines. "nope" I say winking at him. "but you're not helping by being right within my grip!" Garrett pulls on me to get closer. I kiss him and he pulls me directly on top of him. I can feel every bit of him. I put my hands on his chest and continue to kiss him. He grinds his hips into me again, but this time I don't stop him. Cause really what's the harm? "please?" he asks again. I shake my head slightly, then say "we have to get up and get ready before someone comes to wake us and finds us like this." I begin to get down but decide to leave him with a tease. I run my hands down his chest, and along his pants line. Then jump down out of his bed, leaving his face in shock. I'm smiling to myself as I walk to the front of the bus to find something to eat. John is sitting there alone "hey!" I say sliding into the spot next to him. "hey," he says throwing his arm around me. "how'd you sleep?" he asks. I think about me and Garrett, "good" is all I say. Then I ask "how about you?" "like a baby, I'm used to sleeping on a bus by now." I laugh, "that's true. Aren't we staying in a hotel tonight though?" I ask. "yeah were staying in a central location in California so we don't have to travel to far for each show." John says. "alright, how many rooms did we get?" "uhm, let's see, Kennedy and Lauren. Jared and Pat. And usually me and Garrett but we have you too, so I figured you and I, and Garret could go with Jared and Pat. That sound good?" John asks smiling that beautiful smile at me. Oh shit. Garret will be pissed. "yeah that's fine!" I say smiling at John. "great!" he says. Garrett finally rolls out of bed and comes over to where John and I are. He takes one look at us and I know he's mad. Oh well, not my problem. John always comes first. Garrett glares at me and then walks away. "what was that about?" John asks innocently, not knowing the half of it. "nothing," I say. John looks at me but I pretend to suddenly have to pee. I jump up and go to the bathroom. I can't let him catch me in my lie. I shut an lock the bathroom door. "god why is life never easy?!" I ask no one. "and no I'm asking questions as if an answer is going to come out of thin air." I say out of frustration. I wash my face and then come out of the bathroom that way John doesn't suspect anything. I decide to go get my iphone. I haven't checked it since we left Johns house. I grab it then walk back to where John remains sitting. I wait for it to turn on and settle myself across the couch with my head in Johns lap. I have 10 texts and 50 missed calls. I scroll through the texts, some are forwards which I delete without opening. One from Tyra and the rest are my parents. I go back to the text Tyra sent, it read "hey Shailene, I'm really sorry about not telling you goodbye when you left, I was just upset you were leaving me. But I hope you have fun with the boys. Be safe and don't start too much trouble! ;) love you!" I smiled as I read it. Now that's the Tyra I'm used to. I texted her back then moved on to checking my voicemail. I put it on speaker so John could hear as well. I punched in my passcode and my phone said "15 new messages, first message: SHAILENE EVENS! I DO NOT KNOW WHERE YOU ARE, BUT YOU ARE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE. YOUR ASS IS MINE AS SSON AS YOU DECIDE TO SHOW YOUR FACE." my father. That pretty much summed up all the other messages. Until the last one: "Shailene. You ungrateful bitch. You're good for nothing and all you've been to your father and I is a pain. I just thought I'd let you know we don't want you to come home anymore. Just stay where ever the hell you are. Because we both know you won't last long with that lazy fat ass of yours." click. She hangs up. I should be used to insults from her by now, but it's never been this bad. Message after message of my father yelling and making threats. Then that from my own mother. John was silent the entire time and so was I. The sting of my mothers words still hanging in the air and piercing my heart and mind. I hear someone shift their weight. I look up and see Jared, Lauren, Kennedy, Pat, and Garret all standing there. "we were gonna see if you wanted to eat but we saw you guys were busy...." Jared says quietly. John just shakes his head slightly and they all walk out. Lauren hangs back and puts a hand on my shoulder, I manage a small fake smile. Her eyes look sad, as if she wished she could comfort me, but we both know all to well that it's too hard. After Lauren shuts the door John and I are left in silence again. I still have my phone in my hand. And out of frustration, anger, sadness, hurt, I throw it across the room letting it shatter into a million pieces. "Shailene! Your phone!" John says shocked at what I just did. "I don't even freaking care John! I just don't anymore!" I yell. I sit up suddenly and take off towards the back. I run right over my shattered phone, stepping right on the glass from the screen. The pain in my feet doesn't even begin to top what I'm feeling inside.

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