-chapter 31-

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-chapter 31-

"I feel dirty after being there. The bathroom was disgusting." I said as we walked down the block to where the bus was parked. John leaned down and whispered "wanna shower together?" I felt my cheeks grow red and I whispered "sure." back to him. He grabbed my hand and we held hands back to the bus. Everyone went to bed nearly immediately after we got back seeing at it was really late- or really early, whichever way you prefer to look at it. Finally John said "ready to shower?" with a smirk on his face. "yeah I'm coming." I said smiling after him.  As I stripped off my clothes I remembered something. I had recently cut myself and it wasn't healed. I did it after the encounter with my parents. Apparently the blade wasn't clean because it became infected and is still pretty painful. John will kill me when he sees. I'd kept this one thing a secret from him for a while now. But there's no hiding this one. I had carved 'worthless' into my side right on my ribs. John opened the door to the bathroom and began stripping before even looking at me. I folded my arms infront of me and claimed I was cold. John started the water and invited me in. I kept my arms over my chest and he looked me up and down. "what's wrong Shea?" "nothing, I'm just cold." I lied. "I'll warm you up, come here." he said shutting off the water and holding out his arms. It looked so inviting to just crawl into his warm strong arms and stay there forever while he protected me from everything. But instead I just stood there with my arms wrapped around me. "shailene, what the hell is wrong?" John asked now looking concerned. I didn't want anymore secrets or dishonesty so I slowly lowered my arms. Johns face went white. "oh Shea. Why?" he asked his voice hurt. "I did it after my parents." I admitted. He studied my face for a minute then started yelling, "how can such god awful people create such a beautiful amazing daughter then abuse her and make her turn to this?!" he picked up things from the counter and threw them. "John! Please! Calm down!" I pleaded trying to take my hairspray can from his hand before he threw it. "No, I will NOT calm down! I'm gonna kill them!" he yelled storming out of the bathroom leaving me standing there in shock. I couldn't tell if this was worse cause he was a little drunk or if he really felt this strongly. I quickly got dressed again and grabbed the rest of John's clothes before going after him. I found him still angry in the front of the bus. "put some clothes on." I said shoving them in his direction. He got dressed then without warning just walked out of the bus. "John where are you going?!" I asked but the door slammed shut in my face. "shit!" I yelled at the door. I was surprised no one had woken up yet. I found a pair of shoes in the floor and put them on, I really didn't care whose they were, and went after him. I walked a while until I came up on the shadow of someone sitting on the hill looking over the mountains. "John?" I whispered barely audible. "mmh?" he grunted in reply. I fell to my knees beside him, "are you okay?" I asked gently. "mhm." he said. "you're lying to me." I said simply. "no, I'm not. I'm okay." The sun was beginning to rise and the orange glow reflected on John's face. He was looking out and I was looking at him. He was gorgeous, sometimes I wondered how the little dorky kid I knew back in grade school ended up like this. "you're perfect, you know that right?" I whispered. John finally met my gaze, "babe I'm far from perfect." he said quietly. "no, I'm the one who's far from perfect." I said breaking his gaze. His long fingers lifted my chin, "but your imperfections are what make you so beautiful." As he spoke those words I felt this weight be lifted off my heart, in this moment I felt whole. Johns hands found the edges of my shirt and he lifted it just enough to see the cuts, and he took one finger and gently traced over them. I tried not to wince as he touched them but somehow they felt better after he touched them. "Shailene, I'm gonna make a much better life for you. No matter what I have to do, I swear to god I'll do anything for you." John's voice cracked as he said the last few words. My heart swelled and I felt warm happy tears form in my eyes. "I love you. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me." I said and leaned in kissing him gently. "fuck it, I say we elope and don't tell anyone we're getting married, let's just do it." John said with a smirk. "sounds damn good to me!" I exclaimed grinning at him. "I just can't believe I get to spend the rest of my life with the man I've been madly in love with since I stopped thinking boys were gross." "Shea, you never thought boys were gross. I was always your best friend." he said looking confused. "exactly!" I said jumping up and running away from him like we used to do when we were little. John chased me all the way back to the bus, "let's go. Right now." I said grinning. "what?" he asked. "get married!" John stared at me for a moment before swinging the bus door open and saying "after you my lovely wife." I grinned and stepped in. He followed my lead and began driving the bus while everyone else was still sleeping. Tonight was the last show on this tour and we figured what better way then to start off the last day then being married to eachother. We found a little church in the country side and got married there. We sealed it with a kiss, and for once in my life I felt complete. I finally had my missing puzzle piece, the person that completed me, and the person that showed me theres no need for the walls I built up. When John and I got back to the bus everyone was awake. "hey guys, meet my new wife!" John said proudly as I blushed. "what?!" Kennedy asked looking stunned. "we eloped!" I said smiling. The whole bus erupted in cheers and clapping for us. Lauren grabbed me up in a huge hug, "congratulations Shea! Your ring is beautiful!" she said excitedly. I giggled, "don't worry, it's your turn next!" I said giving Kennedy a look as Lauren blushed. John and I had wasted the whole morning together so now it was time to set up for this last show. We set up for the show but it was different the usual. We took our time and everyone helped, it was almost as if we didn't want it to be over. It was bittersweet, I was happy to get to go home for a while but I was gonna miss tour life. Before long it was time to open the doors and the show to begin. I went to the bus to change my clothes and shower before the show started and when I came back they were getting ready to go on. John pulled me aside and said he was gonna introduce me on stage. "no John, please don't!" I pleaded, not wanting to go and face those millions of heartbroken girls. "it'll be fine" he said giving my a confident smile. The lights went down and they all went out and when the crowd started screaming John took the mic, "okay okay okay, guys." the girls kept screaming and John said "shut up! Just shut the fuck up!" the crowd finally fell silent and John said "thank you. Now I have an announcement. Shea, come here." I walked out on stage and John slung a skinny arm around me. "everyone, this is my wife, mrs. Shailene O'callaghan." hearing those words made me crack a smile from ear to ear. The crowd stayed silent but then erupted in cheers and yells. "alright! Now let's get this show going!" John yelled into the mic and thus began the last show of the tour that saved my life. 

*a few years later*

John and I have remained happily married, and I tour with the boys whenever they go. I haven't been happier in my life, I'm clean from all my bad habits/issues I had before. I finally have my life together again. Tyra and I still hang out whenever I'm back at home with John, and Lauren and Kennedy are engaged to be married next year. Pat and Suzie have a really strong relationship going, and Garrett has really hit it off with a girl he met last spring; Camila. Jared has rekindled an old flame he had with a highschool friend of ours; Taylor. So basically everything is perfect. No drama and just smooth sailing from here. The boys are working on their 7th album now so we're all home for a while but then after it's released were back on the road again. But this has just become my way of life now, and I wouldn't change it for the world. 

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