-chapter 29-

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-chapter 29-

Setting up for the show was a natural thing for me now seeing as I'd done it so much. Tonights venue had a bar upstairs with a balcony overlooking the stage. I planned on spending my time up there. After we set up the boys soundchecked and Lauren and I found our spots at the bar. After ordering drinks we settled in and lauren began asking about our trip. "how was the funeral? And uh. How'd you get that black eye?" she asked. We hadn't had time to talk before because John, Kennedy, and I rushed with hellos and had to set up because we were really pushing the time. I laughed, "it's a long story, but John accidentally punched me..." I told her. She gasped. "how?!" "my parents and I got into it at the funeral. And I kinda got in the way when John aimed for my father, for the second time." I said with a grin. Lauren looked at me as if I had something wrong with me. I guess my stupid smile was why. I was so happy John took care of my parents, especially my dad. Getting a taste of his own medicine. "Shea that's terrible!" Lauren finally said. "no it's not. It may sound like that, but it's good. My parents abuse me Lauren. It was about time my dad got a slap in the face like I used to get. And John only hit him after he slapped me!" I explained. Laurens expression fell. "oh. That makes sense." "yeah. Now let's change the subject, Kay? How were things here while we were gone?" I asked smiling again. "uhm, things were interesting. Suzie had to leave this morning," Lauren began. "oh yeah, Kennedy told us that. Something about her family?" I asked. "yeah, I'm not really sure. I just know Pat was beside himself. The poor thing." she said shaking her head. "awh. Poor thing..." I said. "Shea, don't tell any of the guys but, he loves her. Like really loves her!" Lauren whispered excitedly. "oh my god. That's adorable! They're perfect together too!" I said feeling my face crack into a huge smile. "she has to come back so they can be together!" I said. "she will, she just had to sort some family stuff out first." Lauren explained. "oh alright, that's good." Just then we heard that they had started letting people in. The voices from downstairs rose up to the balcony. I got off the chair I was in and walked to the edge of the balcony looking over. The place was really filling up, and I could tell this crowd was going to be loud and rowdy. I actually kinda wanted to go down there and join in. Lauren and I always watch from back or side stage. Or if the venue had a balcony like this we'd watch from here. But tonight I wanted to have a little fun, live a little. I downed the rest of my drink finally feeling a little buzz from it. "hey Lauren, I'm gonna go down a join the crowd. Wanna come?" I asked. Lauren got up and looked down at the crowd, "no. Too loud and rowdy of a crowd for me!" I laughed. "that's why I want to go down!" I said heading towards the stairs. I pushed my way through the crowd making it to the front in the middle. Even though I've been to a million concerts, and seen them perform every night I still got those excited butterflies. As the lights dimmed and the crowd began screaming I fed off the energy and began screaming too. The boys came on stage and it brought back the memories of the first time I ever watched my best friend play a big show back in our hometown. I remember I was excited and amazed by their ability, but I was also extremely jealous. Because deep down I knew all those screaming girls around me would end up owning him. But now standing among them tonight I know that's not true. They began playing Identify and I sung along word for word. I watched John sing from the audiences point if view and it gave me a whole new appreciation for him. His passion and dedication oozing out of him. I smiled up at him bit I knew he didn't see my face in the sea of people in the crowd. I watched as Kennedy played his heart out and sang the backup with just as much passion as John. I watched Pat beat the shit out of his drums and smile the whole way through. Garrett jumped around the stage full of energy and a love for what he does. And Jared playing flawlessly as usual with this drive in him I admired. Watching them from this view made me realize why they mean so much to these fans I'm standing among. The song came to an end and John began talking to the crowd. Then I caught his eye. "Shea, what the fuck are you doing down there?!" he said into the microphone. I laughed and the fans all looked around confused. "I wanted to watch you guys from down here!" I screamed over the noise. "come here!" John said holding his hand out to me. All the girls around me reached out for him but he caught only my hand pulling me up onstage. I stood there awkwardly for a moment staring at the crowd as rushed conversations began-I'm sure about me-and all the boys stopped playing. I suddenly felt sick to my stomach. What the hell is going on? John wrapped his arm around me quickly and pulled me close and kissed me. On stage. In front of everyone. After he pulled away a silence fell over the crowd then someone began cheering and it caught on. I felt my cheeks grow hot both from embarrassment and happiness. The boys began playing the intro to My Heroine and John just stared at me. "what are you doing? You have a show to play!" I whispered harshly. John gave me a grin and then took the microphone to his lips, "hey everybody, this is Shailene. And she owes me something tonight!" John said with an evil grin. I squeaked-Yes, squeaked- with shock. John was implying I owed him sex, and everyone knew it. Some fans fell silent while others whistled and yelled their approval. I then began nervously laughing. The spotlights were making me hot and I began sweating, though I may also have been having a panic attack because I had no idea what John was planning. The boys were still playing in the background switching songs around. "John what the hell are you doing?!" I whisper yelled, not wanting to be heard. He laughed and then went back to the microphone. "hey guys, I gotta ask you something!" The crowd screams in response. "what would you guys think if I asked Shea to marry me?" he said simply as if it was no big deal. Though as soon as the words left his lips my knees felt weak and my head was spinning. The crowd screamed again and John yelled "good!" Before getting down on one knee infront of me. I was shaking uncontrollably and a few tears escaped my eyes. "Shailene Evans, will you marry me?" John asked me, looking just like an excited little kid. I smiled down at him and violently shook my head yes. He slid a beautiful ring on my finger and when he stood up I attacked him in a hug the tears freely steaming now. The crowd was going crazy. This moment was so unreal I felt like I was dreaming. The music, the screaming, the low lights, my best friends, and my new fiancé. "alright, now we got a show to do!" Kennedy yelled into the microphone with a grin. I laughed then kissed John quickly before jumping back down off the stage and running to meet Lauren.

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