-chapter 11-

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-chapter 11-

I woke up because I heard a large thud. Then I realized the noise came from me, I had somehow ended up in the floor and Pat had taken up the entire couch. "ass" I muttered. "what's that?" he said opening one eye sleepily. I laughed, "nothing. Go back to sleep Patrick." "okay." he said rolling over. I got up off the floor and grabbed my crutches to walk back to my bed. I saw that everyone was asleep, and went to get into my bed. Then I changed my mind, I slowly and quietly crawled up into Garrett's bed. He made a noise and I whispered "it's just me, go back to sleep Gare." I settled in right next to him and he wrapped an arm around me and we stayed like that the rest of the night. In the morning I woke up feeling really good. I heard movement all throughout the bus and decided I should get up. I made my way carefully out of Garrett's bed, grabbed my crutches and walked to where everyone else was. "goodmorning Shae! How you feeling?" Jared asked with a mouthful of cereal. "morning, and I'm feeling really good actually" I said giving him a huge smile. "hey tonights y'alls first show!" I said suddenly feeling really excited. "yeah I know!" Jared said. As I was talking to Jared I felt long arms wrap around my waist and hug me from behind. It was unmistakably John. I wrapped my arms around his and hugged him back that way. "goodmorning" he whispered in my ear, his voice was so sexy at that moment. And I could feel his warm breath on my neck. I felt weak in the knees; good thing I have my crutches. Jared gave us a funny look then continued eating his cereal. I felt my face go red because I knew Jared noticed what was going on. John still had his arms wrapped around me when he whispered in my ear again. "meet me in the back?" he asked. I just nodded my head, I couldn't think of anything to say in response. He let go of me and walked to the back of the bus. "what was that about?" Jared asked. "I actually have no idea..." I said turning to follow John. On my way there I stopped in the bathroom to see what I even looked like after the whole hospital ordeal and falling asleep on the floor last night. My dark brown hair was tangled up so I ran my fingers through it. And I had raccoon eyes from not washing my makeup off. I picked up a washcloth and wiped my eyes off and reapplied some mascara. Then once I was satisfied I went back to meet John. John was sitting on the little couch in the back waiting for me. "whatsup?" I asked. "sit down." he said. This was all to familiar, didn't I just do this with Garrett? I sat down next to John and gave him a questioning look. "what?" he asked. "what do you mean what? You're the one that called me back here." I said. He smiled at me, "yeah I know." "well then why'd you do it?" I asked getting seriously aggravated now. John leans towards me and kisses me. But it's different from when Garrett and I kissed. John is soft and gentle, and my stomach is filled with butterflies, I can't get enough. With Garrett it was rough and fun, but there wasn't any true spark there. I lean into John and he pulls me closer. His lips are soft and warm on mine. I let my hands wander around running them through his hair and down his chest. He tightens his grip around my waist and pulls me closer a little more forcefully this time. I smile though the kiss and I feel his lips form into a smile too. The butterflies go crazy again, now this is what a real kiss should feel like.

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