-chapter 24-

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-chapter 24-

"Tyra? It's me, Shailene. I uh, I'm coming home." "yay!! I can't wait to see yo...wait. I thought tour wasn't over until a couple more months?" Tyra said. "yeah. It isn't." I said as I packed my bags. "then why are you coming home?" she asked clearly confused. "some shit happened. I don't need to be here. All I'm causing is trouble... Can I stay with you?" I asked. "oh Shea. Of course you can. I'm sorry." "I'll be fine. But right now I just really don't want to talk about it. I'm packing now so I'll get a bus or rent a car and drive home and hopefully be there late tonight..." I told her. "okay, be careful Shea. Don't drive if you get tired. Call me if you need someone to help you stay awake okay?" Tyra said. "alright. See you." I said before hanging up. I packed up all my clothes and saw a couple of shirts were gone. "that's weird." I said aloud. I walked over to Johns suitcase and found my shirts. They smelled just like him. I folded them neatly and put them on top. I moved on to the bathroom to gather my stuff there. Mine had somehow got mixed with both John and Garretts. I sighed, I'm gonna miss them so much when I leave. I'm gonna miss them all, the parties, the concerts, the crazy fans, the late nights, the days off, the movie nights in the floor of the bus, the laughs, the guitar lessons from Jared... It was all such an escape for me. It was like I was living in an entirely different world, where the only thing restraining us was having to play a show. I finished gathering my stuff taking care to leave everything else untouched. I made my bed and took my blankets and pillow, it looked as if no one had ever even slept there. I did one last check to make sure there was no trace of my ever being here. I don't know why I wanted it that way, but I just felt it was right. As I was heading for the door I remembered something, I dropped my bags and grabbed a piece of paper, and in small neat handwriting I wrote Garrett an apology letter. I walked to his bed and taped it above his bed, so he will see it when he lays down tonight. I was finally finished. My letter the only trace of me. I opened the door and pulled my bags out and headed from the hotel lobby to use a phone. I called a cab to take me to the nearest bus station that would take me home. I had to wait in the lobby for my cab to get here. I was so afraid one of the guys would come down and see me but luckily no one ever came. "miss Evans?" I heard an older mans voice call. "yes sir?" I replied standing up from the couch. "your cab," he said holding the door open for me. "oh, thank you." I said carrying my bags with me to the door. I took one last glance around the lobby, hoping someone, anyone, would try to stop me. But no one came, so I continued out the door. The cab driver took my bags and placed them in the back as I got in. I shut the door and he started the engine. I looked at the doors still waiting for someone to yell for me to not leave, but again no one comes. So I just stare out the window as the bus and the hotel get smaller and smaller. As we drive down the road it's completely quiet, the beach is still outstretched to my right. I think of the cold night I spent out there last night. The funny thing is I'm still just as numb. It begins raining softly at first, but then becomes a downpour. "the thing I love about rain," I say, "is that no one knows that you're crying." The Cab driver looks in the rearview mirror at me. "are you okay?" he asks. "no, but thanks for asking. It actually means a lot.." I said giving him the hint that I didn't want to talk but appreciated his concern. He nodded his head and went back to focusing on his driving. I decided to put my headphones in, maybe music will take my mind off things. I put it on shuffle and the first song to play was Don't Give Up On Us' by The Maine. As Johns voice filled my ears and my thoughts I began crying again. This is stupid, why do I cry so much?! I mentally screamed at myself. I changed the song and 'I'm Sorry' came on. As I listened to Johns voice again, I felt like he was speaking to me. It was like the song version of what he told me last night. I sat there in silence just listening to the lyrics. Tears freely streaming down my face. "TURN AROUND!" I screamed. The driver jumped from my sudden yelling then turned around in the next parking lot. He didn't ask questions just listened. We'd already been driving for over an hour. In the back of the car I sobbed uncontrollably, the rain wouldn't let off and it was terribly quiet. An hour later we were back at the hotel. I threw open the cab door before he had even parked and was running towards the doors. John was standing alone in the rain and when he saw me he looked shocked. I ran straight for him and jumped into his arms. Still sobbing I said "John I'm such a bitch!! I love you more then anything in this world. I couldn't ever leave you. I have no idea why I left you. John, I don't just love you, I've told you that my entire life. But I'm in love with you." I said all my words running together. I planted my lips on his and kissed him hard. "Shea, I didn't think you were really leaving. But when I went to the bus and all your things were gone....." his voice trailed off. "I'm sorry..." I said not able to look him in the eyes. "I called tyra and she told me you were coming home. That You had called a cab and were already on your way. I begged the guys to let me camel the show tonight so I could go after you but they said we couldn't do that...so I had just come out here and then you came back." he told me. I finally looked up into his eyes. His hair was dripping in his eyes from the rain and I smiled At him. "you're so adorable." I said running my hand through his hair. "and you're beautiful. I love you so much." he said pulling me in by my waist and kissing me. "and I'm glad you came back. Just so you know me and all the other guys are fine with eachother, Garrett and I worked everything out. And you were never trouble. And I never want to hear you call yourself a bitch again!" John said smiling at me. "okay, good. And alright, I'll try not to make it a regular thing." I said smirking at him. "that's right, only I can call you that remember?" "no.. but it's okay, you have my permission." I said laughing. "okay let's get the hell out of this rain!" John said pulling me behind him up to the rooms. "guys she's back!" he announced to the entire hallway. A couple different doors opened and they all emerged and enveloped me in hugs. "don't ever fucking do that again Shailene Evans!" Garrett said hugging me tight. "I won't. I'm done running. It never gets me anywhere." I said smiling at him. Jared and Kennedy hugged me and told me that I was silly to run away that I should have just come to one of them. And Pat squeezed the crap out of me telling me I scared him to death last night. "okay shut up guys. She knows, but every things fine now, were all back together. and now we have a show to do!" John said as we all walked out to go to the venue for tonights show.

No Need For Walls Now~(a The Maine fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant