-chapter 30-

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-chapter 30-

After the show we all decided to go out and celebrate. "alright guys! Let's go find the best club in town!" Jared announced. "sounds good!" everyone agreed as we finished putting all the equipment away. Garrett seemed a little less enthusiastic then the rest of us. "hey gare, what's wrong?" I asked. "nothing. I'm fine Shea!" he said obviously trying to hide something. "no, seriously." I pushed further. Garrett's eyes were sad but he smiled at me. "Shailene, I'm fine." I studied him for a moment then sighed. "it's about John and I isn't it." I whispered not in a question, but a statement. Garrett nodded slightly and I knew this was a bad idea. "I'll call it all off." I said suddenly. Garrett's eyes popped open and he nearly attacked me. "you will NOT do that!" he said taking my by my shoulders. "Gare, atleast let me do it for a little while. Just let things all settle between all of us." I told him. He relaxed a little but still looked upset. "you can't do that to John. It's not fair. He deserves you. I'll get over it, I promise." That statement broke my heart. Because in reality both John and Garrett deserved so much better then me... Without saying a word I pulled Garrett in for a hug, and just stood there with him in my arms. I didn't know what to even say at this point so I didn't say anything. After a couple minutes I whispered "let's go catch up with the others." Garrett nodded his head and we walked together in silence. After we caught up to the others at the end of the street Kennedy had located a popular club just two blocks down. We walked in a big group, a million conversations going on at once. I quickened my pace a little to catch up to Jared and tapped him on the shoulder. "hey. I need to talk to you." I said. "uh, alright. What's up?" he asked looking a little confused. "Garrett is upset about me and John. And I'm not sure how I feel about it all." I confessed playing with the new ring on my finger. "Shailene, just do whatever your heart tells you. Yeah, Garrett loves you so obviously he won't be too happy, but he will find another girl and get over it. I thought you had already made up your mind to go with John and you weren't gonna do anymore of this back and forth shit." Jared said. "yeah. You're right. It's not fair to keep letting my mind go back and forth." I said just as we had arrived at the club. "thanks Jared!" I said quickly before anyone could head the remnants of our conversation. He nodded with a smile as he held the door open for everyone. As soon as I came in the door the smell of cigarettes, sweat, and various mixed drinks hit me. Pat, Kennedy, and Lauren went straight for the dance floor while Garrett, Jared, and John went for drinks. This place didn't ID me when I came in so I just let John order and hand me my drink after we had kinda gotten off to the side. "thank you!" I yelled over the loud music. I scanned the crowd looking for people I might know and saw Pat dancing with some girl. I began laughing at how awkward he is. "guys. Look at Pat!" I yelled. They all turned and looked and began laughing with me. I had already drank whatever John gave me-I was getting pretty good at that-so I went to throw my cup away. When I came back I said "dare me to sneak over and slap him on the butt and then act like it was someone else?" I gave them a devious grin and they laughed. "Yes do it!" John said laughing again. "okay. Shh!" I said putting my finger to my lips. I started to make my way through the sea of people, Pushing and squeezing through. I finally made it safely to where Pat and the mystery girl were without being seen. I waited for just the right moment and I slapped him, hard. I bit my lip so I wouldn't laugh and turned around quickly and began snaking through the crowd as quickly as possible. Once I was a safe distance away I turned around and watched. Pat was spinning I'm circles trying to figure out who had done it. The girl looked confused and was yelling something but I couldn't make out the words. I turned to look at the guys and saw they were all laughing too. I gave an accomplished grin to them and said "done. Now you all have to do something crazy." Jared shook his head, "hell no. I'm staying right here." "lazy ass." I said smiling. "I'll do something crazy." John said giving me a smirk, and he had a look in his eye I'd never seen before. He got out of his seat and came over to me. "John. What are you doing...?" I said slowly backing away. He came closer and slipped his long fingers around my waist, then looped them in my belt and pulled me to him. "what are yo-" I started but my sentence was cut off by John forcing his lips on mine. My lips formed to fit his and they moved in sync with eachother. After a moment I opened my eyes, as I did I caught Garrett's pained face. I pulled away from John and he gave me an incredibly sexy smile. I returned the smile and told him I was going to the bathroom. I walked through the crowd of people not caring that I was pushed, bumped, and shoved in the process. I swung the bathroom door open and was hit with the strong smell of smoke. I choked and waved my hand in front of my face in effort to get rid of some of the smoke in my now burning eyes. I found a decent stall and entered it. I didn't really have to go to the bathroom, I just had to get my head straight. I am far too young for all this. I began crying, Im so sick of crying. I'm sick of this pain, turmoil, fear, sadness, and self-hatred. I hate that I've put both boys through such hell, this isn't fair. Seeing Garrett's hurt face just ate me alive. I breathed in a deep breath and choked again from the thick smoke. I swear I'm gonna get high without even wanting to! I decided to leave; I wiped my eyes and opened the door. I washed my hands and was careful not to dry them entirely so it looked like I washed them after going to the bathroom. I walked back through the crowd and found Jared in the same place I left him. "hey." I said sliding in to the seat next to him. "you okay?" he asked giving me a sideways look. "yep. I'm fine." I said giving him a fake smile. Jared studied my face for a moment before saying "okay.." "actually, I'm pretty tired. Can we go?" I asked. "yeah. Let's just find the guys." Jared replied getting up and wondering into the crowd. 20 minutes later we had everyone back together and were finally leaving that.

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