-chapter 27-

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-chapter 27-

I awoke the next day and laid in bed for a while listening to the calming silence and John's soft breathing. I rolled over and propped myself up on my elbow and looked at the clock. It read 11:45. "oh shit!" I yelled then clapped my hand over my mouth. John opened his eyes suddenly and looked at me. "what's wrong?" he asked in that sexy sleepy voice of his. "it's 11:45! The funeral home is at 2!" I said. "aw Shea. Do we have to go?" John whined still in his half asleep voice. I smiled at him, "yes. You're the one that dragged me all the way home. Now get your ass out of bed so we can get ready!" I said giving him a quick kiss then jumping out of bed. "shailene. Get you ass back here and kiss me again!" he yelled as I ran to the bathroom. "no!" I yelled giggling the shutting the door. I heard him get out of bed and run across the floor. He tried to open the door but I was holding the knob on my side. He jerked the door open and I went flying into his arms. He began laughing and I laughed with him. "I love you." he whispered as he wrapped his arms around me. I buried my head in his bare chest and said "I love you too." I stood there in his arms for a while before pulling away. "John we seriously need to get ready." "I know, I know. I'm gonna shower." he said. "what? You just showered before we went to bed! And I need the bathroom to do my hair and stuff." I said. "I wanna shower again! And you can just stay in here, I don't give a fuck." he said smirking. I laughed "fine." I turned my straightner on and let it heat up as I brushed my teeth. I went out into the room to get my makeup bag and John got in the shower. When I came back into the bathroom I began straightening my hair. Suddenly John yelled "no peeking Shea!!" I instinctively turned around to look at him and he yelled "I said no peeking!!" at that I busted out laughing. It was all just a trick. "bitch!" I yelled back to him. He laughed as I turned back to busying myself with my hair. After I finished I began doing my makeup and I heard the water cut off. I felt myself get excited, then I realized how bad that was. So I tried to distract myself. Just as I was about to go get dressed for the funeral John threw the shower curtain open. He scared me so I jumped back and squealed dropping my still hot straightner on my foot. "OWW!" I yelped grabbing my foot dropping the rest of my stuff in the floor. John rushed over to me, "Shea! Is your foot okay?" he asked. As he kneeled down his towel fell. I began laughing and he said "what's wrong?!" "John, your towel." I giggled some more. "shit!" he said readjusting it. "it's just a small burn. It'll be fine." I told him gathering my stuff from the floor. As I walked out of the bathroom I began laughing to myself. Considering what we came here for I've been having a little too much fun. But as I pulled out a solid black dress to wear I was hit with the reality of all this. I slipped the dress on and dug around in my suitcase for my red high heels I only wore for special occasions. I put those on then went to check on if John was ready. "hey you ready?" I asked. "yeah, almos.." he stopped mis-sentence when he looked at me. "what?" I Asked looking down. "is there something wrong?" "no. Not at all." he said, "you look amazing." I felt my cheeks get hot. "thanks." I said smiling shyly. John was wearing a black button down with dark wash jeans, and some black converse. He looked very attractive. "do I look okay?" he asked me looking nervous. "yes of course. But here, let me fix this." I unbuttoned his shirt a little at the top. "thats better." I said with a smirk. I also ran a hand through his hair messing it up just a little. "alright let's go." he said taking my hand and leading the way. We got a cab to the funeral home and when we arrived the parking lot was full of cars. As we got out of the cab and I reached for John's hand, "it'll be okay." he whispered as we walked up the steps into the pretty white building. When we got in I recognized a ton of faces I went to highschool with before I just left. I was afraid of the questions I might get asked tonight, but I hoped everyone would be focused on Auden. The first person we talked to was Jake. He was the one who originally face us the news. "I'm so glad you guys could come." Jake said his voice tired and his face formed into a sad smile. "we wouldn't have missed it." John said. I let go of John and pulled Jake into a hug. "I'm sorry Jake." I said quietly. He and Auden were like brother and sister. I knew he was hurting. As I pulled away, I saw Jakes eyes were tear stained, and he mouthed a goodbye before he walked away quickly. I looked to John, "this is gonna be rough." I said quietly. "no shit." he muttered. I took his hand again as we made our way through the sea of kids from school, parents, and Auden's family. We stopped every now and then to talk with someone but mostly everyone kept to themselves. It was bright in the room but the mood was so dark and depressing. The stained glass windows cast shimmery light on us all. We sat in some seats towards the middle to hear people speak about Auden before the actual burial. The first person to speak was Auden's mom, just seeing her made me cry. And from there it was nonstop. Jake went up to speak, "Auden was my best friend. She was the most amazing and funniest gi...." he stopped mid-sentence choking on his words. He began sobbing and my heart broke. He just stood there crying as everyone watched. No one was even doing anything! So I got up and walked up to where Jake was standing in center stage. I wrapped my arm around him and tried to lead him back to a seat, but as I looked up I finally got a good look at all the faces. I met eyes with some familiar faces including Tyra, who gave me a weak teary smile. Then I caught one pair of eyes I wish I hadn't: My mother. "shit." I mouthed and John saw it. He whipped around in his seat and saw my mother and father sitting together in the back. I continued to lead Jake away and to the back of the building. Behind me I heard another person begin to speak about Auden. "thank you Shea." Jake finally managed to get out. I wiped my own eyes and managed to get a "you're welcome" out. John met us in the back and said "we need to get the hell outta here. Your parents know we're both here." John said. "no, I'm not gonna let them make me leave again. We're here for Auden." I said through my tears. This was so much to take in. "okay. Whatever you want." he said taking my hand as we brought Jake back to sit with us. As we sat back down I felt their eyes on me. Watching my every move. Finally the service was over and we were allowed the option to see her body in the casket before it was buried if we'd like. John and I decided to go up. As we made our way up there I looked at Audens peaceful body. So peacefully laying there, no worries or troubles. I looked to John to see how he was doing and saw he was crying, hard. Seeing that made all of this worse. As we stood there I felt a hand on my back. I jumped and turned around, to my relief it was just Tyra. She pulled me into a huge hug and told me she missed me a lot. I told her I missed her too and asked how things were back in school. We left John to have his moment alone. "things suck. Between you just up and leaving and then Auden dying, senior year hasn't been what I expected at all..." she said a couple tears escaping her eyes. "Tyra, I'm sorry. But you should know things haven't been all perfect for me either.." I said. After a few minutes John rejoined us wiping his eyes. I jumped up and grabbed him in a hug. "Tyra, I'll see you soon okay. I promise to visit." I said. "get a freaking phone oka? That way I can atleast keep some contact with you." she said giving me a hug. "okay. I will. Bye!" I said as John and I planned to make an easy escape before seeing my parents... 

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