-chapter 22-

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-chapter 22-

I awoke the next morning still feeling upset about last night. Garrett was sound asleep next to me and I watched him sleep for a minute then decided to get up. I crawled carefully out of my bed and made my way to the bathroom. I opened the door and found John there in a towel. I quickly turned around. This was far to familiar from when I first ran away. "Shea wait!" he said grabbing my arm. "no." I said trying to jerk my arm from his grip. He tightened on me and said "please." I turned around, "what?" "just let me explain." "John, I know what I saw. You can't pretend it didn't happen." I said coldly. "Shailene. Please. You have to let me explain!!" He said, I could tell he was upset. "John. I trusted you. Then you did that to me..." I said my voice trailing off. "Shailene, I know. I was stupid and drunk. You can't hold it against me." he said. "that's bull shit! You may have been drunk, but you should be smart enough to not go running off with your ex!" I yelled at him. "I know." he said quietly. "I'm done." I said turning to walk out again. I felt the tears beginning again. I rubbed hard at my eyes trying to stop them. I felt a hand on my shoulder. Gently pulling me back. "John. Let. Me. Go." I hissed. "no." "get the hell away from me!" "no! Shailene! just let me fucking talk for a minute!" he yelled. I cowered away from him, this was too familiar. I sunk to the floor in the doorway of the bathroom and just stared up at him as noiseless tears streamed down my cheeks. John watched me for a minute before sighing. "last night was one of the biggest mistakes of my life because I hurt you. Shea, you mean the fucking world to me. Last night I was drunk and stupid. Whitney was all over me. She asked if I could help her with her car and when I agreed she took advantage of my being drunk. And I didn't try to fight her off. I was a complete ass to do that to you. You know I love you. So can we just forget the things I did and said last night? Please? Shea I'm begging you. If you don't forgive me...I don't know what I'll do." His eyes were full of regret and he looked genuinely sorry. As I sat on the floor still crying I thought of all he has done for me, all we've been through together.... I looked up at his beautiful face and whispered quietly "I love you." A smile broke across his face and he dropped to his knees to hug me. As I wrapped my arms around him I said "John. Put some damn clothes on..." He started laughing and said "hey, it's nothing you ain't seen before! don't act like you don't like it!" "oh god. Shut up!" I said pulling myself up off the floor and walking to the front of the bus. I found John's phone and turned it on to check the time and date. Being on tour all your days begin to run together. With all the traveling, late nights, Weird sleep schedules, and just the disorganization of it all. His phone finally came to life and I found the time to be 10:23. Today was the second day off but we were staying in a hotel tonight. That's when I remembered; Garrett. I had moved on to him after John did what he did. But now I've forgiven John so he will expect me to stay with him tonight. Just then Johns phone buzzed in my hand. It was an unknown number. I answered it "hello?" "hey Babe. I had fun last night." a girls voice said seductively. "who is this?!" I asked. "it's Whitney!" she said as if I should know that. "oh. Hey Whitney. do me a favor?" "what's that?" she said seductively again. "NEVER CALL MY BOYFRIEND AGAIN BITCH." I yelled before hanging up and blocking her number. I smiled to myself, I knew how to tick someone off. After I cleared Johns call history Garrett walked in. "hey babe. I heard you yelling. Everything okay?" he asked. "yep! Just taking care of some business." I said smirking. Garrett laughed then kissed me gently on the forehead. I smiled up at him. He was the sweetest thing ever. He fixed himself something to eat as the others started to emerge from the back. "goodmorning!" Pat called seeming happier then usual. He was pulling Suzie by the hand behind him. "hey Suzie." I said smiling. "oh hey Shea! I didn't know you were staying with them too." she said. "yeah I am." I said smiling at her. Lauren came and sat with Suzie and Pat while Kennedy was with Jared and John who finally was dressed and ready. "what's the plan for today?" Jared asked. "I don't know yet. Any suggestions?" John asked. "there's a beach near the hotel we're staying at tonight. We could go ahead and drive there and hang at the beach until Its late." Suzie suggested. "that sounds like fun!" Lauren and I said in unison. "alright. It's settled. We'll go to the beach!" Jared said getting up to start driving.

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