-chapter 14-

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-chapter 14-

Pat came and woke John and I when we got to the hotel, "guys were here. Take

whatever you need for the night and tomorrow morning the rest can stay in here"

He said. I nodded my head and stretched out still waking up from our little nap.

John got up and grabbed some clothes off the floor stuffing them under his arm,

"okay I'm ready." he said smiling. I laughed, "wait for me?" I asked considering

we were the only ones left. "if I must" he said pretending to be annoyed. I

packed a couple things id need to get ready in the morning and the rest I just

left on the bus. "okay ready?" I asked. "yeah! Took you long enough!" John said

walking out the door locking it behind him. We walked to the hotel lobby where

Kennedy was checking us all in. "alright, what are the arrangements?" he asked

holding all the room keys. I looked at everyone waiting for them to tell me

where to go. "I'll take Shailene" Garrett and John said at the same time. Shit.

I avoided each of their stares. "well okay then. I've obviously got Lauren, so

here, you guys work the other stuff out." Kennedy said handing me the keys

smiling. "I'll go with Pat and Garrett. Shea and and John can share." Jared said

looking at me for approval. "okay." I agreed. Silently thanking Jared for saving

me from what could have just happened. After we organized the rooms we all got

in an elevator to the top floor. Kennedy and Lauren in the first room, Pat,

Jared, and Garrett in the second, then John and I. We all said goodnight in the

hall and headed our separate ways. As soon as John shut the door he said, "so,

wanna order room service? My treat." he smirked at me and I wondered what he was

up to. "sure." I said falling back onto the huge king sized bed. John called for

room service and I overheard him ordering drinks. He came back into the room and

not long after someone knocked on the door. The man at the door asked for Johns

I.D and he showed it then the man gave him our order. When John turned around I

saw he had champagne. "John! You know I'm too young to drink!" I said suddenly

feeling young and immature. "babe, it's alright. No one will find out. It's just

me." John said smiling that gorgeous smile of his. "alright." I agreed. He

poured each of us a glass and brought mine over to me. As I took the glass in my

hand, I felt a little scared of what my parents would think. Then I remembered

everything that happened and I put the glass to my lips and downed the contents

in one swallow. It was bitter tasting with a sharp edge that hurt my throat.

"damn Shailene!" John exclaimed nodding at my already empty glass. I smiled.

"shots eh?" he asked downing his drink like I did. At this rate the entire

bottle was gone in a matter of minutes. My head felt dizzy, but I felt good. "we

should do this more often." I said falling back on the bed. "we should." John

said laying down next to me. "I love you." I blurted out without even thinking.

I immediately wished I could take it back but then John said "I love you too."

"wait. You do?" I asked almost certain I was having my head messed with from the

alcohol. "yes, I really do love you Shailene." John said rolling over to look me

in the eyes. "damn. You're gorgeous." I said, then clapped my hand over my mouth

realizing I was speaking everything that crossed my mind. John smirked, "you're

adorable when you're drunk." I blushed a deep red and smiled shyly at him. He

creeped closer to my face, I could smell the champagne on his warm breath. He

kissed my cooler bone and I let out a small moan. John seemed to like that

because he continued kissing my neck moving lower slowly. I ran my fingers

through his hair and then pulled his face to mine kissing his lips roughly. My

heart was beating out of my chest, and I wanted all of him, What I was getting

wasn't enough. I could tell he wanted more too. I pulled on his shirt and he

took it off revealing his flawless body. I ran my hands up and down his chest

while he kissed me again. John pulled my shirt off now and stared at me with

lust filled eyes. "are we really gonna do this?" I whispered. "no. Tonight is

just a tease for us both. This is as far as were going to go." John said. My

face fell, I was hoping he would have said yes. "just for now." he added with a

smirk. I grinned up at him. "you ready to go to sleep?" he asked me. "yeah. Let

me just change into something other then jeans to sleep in." I said kicking off

my jeans and putting on some shorts. John kicked off his jeans too; then crawled

in bed in just in his boxers. I was already laying on my side when I felt his

warm hands wrap around my waist pulling me closer. "sleep next to me, this bed

is too big." John whispered. I smiled into the dark night and laced my fingers

in his. His warm body was pressed up against mine and we fell asleep like that.

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