Sisters are annoying

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I was blushing like a madman as I replied to him. I was mentally reprimanding myself that I let him affect me this much, it certainly wasn't normal.

"Can I come in Kay?" I heard Sam's voice from the other side of the wall along with gentle knocking. I threw my phone under my pillows and slapped my face to calm down and mumbled "yeah". She twisted open my door knob and walked in, hair in a messy bun looking bored to death.

"What happened to you mister. You look flustered." She voiced with her eyes gazing into my soul. I let out a nervous chuckle and pulled on my collar feeling suffocated. "Umm. Nothing. Nothing happened...I swear." I replied, damn what I would have done for better acting skills.        

I suck.

"Uh huh. I soooo believe you brother dear. Your acting skills are of better use in a garbage can." Well damn."Um. Yeah well. You see...ugh. Do I have to tell you?" I asked doing my best puppy face hoping to God she'd let me be. "That's not going to work on me Kay. I became immune to that when I was five and you effectively managed to shove all your greens down my throat because you didn't want to have them." I chuckled as I remembered that. I was seven and refused to eat my disgusting greens and managed to feed them all to Sam before mom found out. Poor Sam.

"Sorry Sam. I was immature and small. Forgive me?" I asked as I nudged her continuously. She crossed her hand and glared at the wall, putting up an act of negligence...Until I started poking her and then she started laughing and pushed my hand away shouting "Okay okay. You are forgiven. Now back to the point, why are you flushed?

I looked away and mumbled "IwastextingKarsonokay." Sam scrunched her face and said, "Come again?" Ugh. "I.Was.Texting.Karson!" I shouted and then went beet red again. She smirked. "Ohhh. Right. I shall leave you to it." She said laughing. "Oh and say hi to your boy toy for me will you Kay!?" She hollered, running off before I could get my hands on her.

I huffed and reached back for my phone.

Karson: I'll see you in school tomorrow. My mom's calling me. Good night ;)

Ugh. Did he have to add that winky face at the end. It got my heart racing all over again. Fuck I'm so whipped.

The Sad Behind The Smirk (BxB)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon