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 (A/N - Sorry for the somewhat of a filler chapter :(  )

It's been more than four hours since Karson left me alone. My mind was running with the possibilities of the different scenarios that could have happened if my dumb sister had not made it her personal mission to make my life uneventful. Where we going to do what I thought we were? That question isn't ever going to be answered.

I remembered the way my breath hitched and my heart threatened to leave my chest, it felt like when I was with him. I relished the good days, he wasn't always like what he became at last. His prior self brings me a rush of energy and breath-taking warmth, I felt so loved, so special. I never realised when he drifted away enough that I couldn't ever have him back. I couldn't figure him out then and I can't figure him out now. Even if I wanted to, I can't because he's not around anymore. I miss him, I miss Tyler so much. I know he loved me at least before his demons washed away his original self.

I realised I felt that warmth when Karson was close to me. No. No it can't be. I cannot be falling for him. This is not fair! MOTHER EARTH! MAY I ASK, JUST, WHY? God. Anyone but Karson. He's trouble, sure he's a nice guy, but he's still trouble.

"Brother dear!" I heard from the other side of my door. "In here!" I managed to get out. Wow, my brain is just everywhere right about now. Samantha walked in with her blonde hair in a messy bun, dressed in sweats and a t-shirt and sat next to on my bed. She had two glasses of apple juice occupying her tiny hands. BEST. SISTER. EVER.

She knows just what I want. Food and drinks. "Saaaaammmm," I whinged, "Can you get me food as well?" I asked with a pouty face, she rolled her eyes and left my room.

She came back with some popcorn and a DVD case. "The Hangover," the cover read. "Get ready to laugh your guts out and cringe at some grotesque imagery," my sister said with a smile, "You look like you had a bad day, that always means you get more Sam time." She exclaimed while settling her derriere on my bed after inserting the DVD into my Blu-ray drive that was connected to my T.V on the wall. Who even uses DVD drives anymore you ask? Me, I do. I live in the Stone-Age.

Needless to say, I was crying tears of laughter and Sam fell off the bed cackling like a maniac. Oh well, at least the last part of the day was fun.


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