Cliché Happenings

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I think I've successfully established that fact that I don't like school as do many teenagers. However, today I felt positively energetic. 'Why?' you may ask. Meeting Karson. I felt like a freaking ball of hyperactivity. I was beaming as I walked along the corridors and people often kept taking double takes as I passed them, a little bounce occupying my each step forward. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see....ugh Dylan. I was hoping it would be Karson. Oh well. I love Dylan too. I smiled back at his face adorned with a smile and a cocked brow.

"What's up bro. Happy little bunny today I see." He said chuckling and I nodded my head like a bobble head. "Good to see you happy man." He exclaimed and ruffled my hair. He. Didn't. Dare. "What the fuck you asshole! I spend ten minutes to get the perfect quaff! You know that!" I freaked, fuming. A look of horror passed his features.

"Gotta run Kay. Bye. I'll see you...when you aren't mad." He ran off. Probably to find Conner. Bastards.

Oh fuck naw. I have Math first period. Perfect excuse to be grumpy all day long...unless a certain someone decides to show his face.

"Hey Kay. What's with the messy hair and the grumpy face." Said a voice that I recognized all too well, beaming, I turned to face him. "Hey Karson. Dylan fucked my hair up and now its messy and I'm livid." I huffed and crossed my arms across my chest. His eyes flashed with something as I mentionned Dyl but it disappeared just as fast as it came so I brushed it off. "Well you look adorable," he replied walking closer to me, leaning down to my ear, he whispered, "and pretty damn hot." He stalked off smirking leaving me behind with my mouth agape and blood rushing to my cheeks. What the hell. Did he just...fli- nah. It can't be.

I shook my head to get my thoughts cleared and walked to Math. 


"Okay guys. Math seems to be getting quite boring for you guys so I organized a group project for you guys to work on but I will be selecting pairs for said project." Came the booming voice of Mr. Mathews. Some kids emitted groans and the others looked jovial...I was groaning.

"Jude and Sammy,  Kathy and Deborah, Alice and Matt... Robbie and Kayden..." Hey but Robbie left school... I put my hand up. Mr. Mathews finished disclosing the pairs and said, "Yes Mr. Parker. Any Questions?" "Yes Mr. Mathews. Um. Robbie transferred schools."

 As I was speaking Karson walked his way into class leaving me confused...he wasn't in this class. He talked to Mr. Mathews and showed him a paper. Mr. Mathews proceeded to nod and then looked up at me, I frowned. "Mr. Parker your partner will be Mr. Hill. Please pick a vacant seat Karson."

I was staring at Karson, utterly bewildered and dumbfounded thinking, can my life get anymore freaking cliché?

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