The Bet

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I watched my wide-eyed mother's face morph into a knowing smirk. Why are all the people around me so hell bent on smirking and making me anxious? This is annoying. I huffed.

Karson was now sitting on the edge of my bed looking anywhere but me and my mom, his face resembling a tomato. If my mom was not here I'd probably jump him for being this adorable. Mind back on track Kayden! Handle the impending problem before jumping your boyf- ... umm...friend...that you just gave a hickey to... Yeah... friend...

I shook my head clear.

"Now what do we have here?" My mom voiced with her face changing from that god awful smirk to a smile. I just smiled and shuffled from foot to foot with my intestines doing summersaults inside my belly.

Fuck, how the hell am I supposed to answer that query?

My mom proceeded to put her lips between her teeth as if finding my discomfort something to laugh about it.

"HONEY! IS KAYDEN IN HIS ROOM?" I heard dad's voice from the downstairs, his footsteps bounding as he ascended the steps.

I winced as my door opened just a bit more, creaking softly. Almost instantly my dad's face contorted into that of a lost puppy. He may be huge and buff, but he's adorable, this just proved to be more concrete as he tilted his head, eyes darting back and forth between me and Karson. Both of us red in the faces, me smiling shyly and Karson looking downright embarrassed about the whole dilemma.

He then quirked one eyebrow and held out his hand in my mom's direction. My mom saw it. She huffed and pouted reaching into her purse and grabbing a note, slapping it into dad's hand. I must have looked like a child that walked in his parents having sex because my dad let out a trail of obnoxiously loud laughter. My mom was trying not to laugh, trying to keep up her act of annoyance but soon joined in with dad. Both of them slapping their knees and doubling over in laughter.

I looked at Karson who gave me a 'WTF is going on look?' I shrugged unknowingly and looked at my weird ass parents.

"I fucking told you woman! But noooo. You were all 'he would wait some more time'" He exclaimed making air quotes and impersonating my mom's voice, horribly might I say.

"What's going on guys?! Why are you laughing and why did mom give you money dad?!" I hollered, wholly confused.

"Well son," my dad said coming near me and placing a hand on my shoulder, " your mom here claimed that you won't be getting into something like this anytime soon and I challenged her saying you definitely have something going on and what she claims is a bunch of bullshit." He said, his eyes shining with adoration for his son. I frowned. " So that was her handing me the money we promised to each other." He revealed, grinning like a Chesire cat.

"Wait... YOU BET ON US?!" I screamed. My dad's grin reached his fucking ears after I said that.

Why are my parents so weird? I shook my head smiling at them.

The support I get from them is something I'll always be so grateful about. I don't know what I ever did to deserve parents like them.

My parents were currently snickering at my outburst. I just smiled warmly at them.

My gaze shifted from my parents to Karson, who instantly shot up off my bed as if it suddenly electrocuted him.

My parents' eyes shifted to him.

My dad was going to go all papa bear on him now. I can just tell.

Karson gulped audibly seeing my dad's expression.

Oh no.

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