29 。time we met

Start from the beginning

„This is still a boy, Ian, don't mix him with an animal, not even in your mind."

„Don't doubt me and I won't. I'm just getting his behaviour, seeing if it correlates with his behaviour in his ... other state." Joining his side, Hyejin circled her finger over the microphone buzzer, glancing at Damian with uncertainty. „He doesn't answer us, we've already tried."

„Will he do this again? If we could get his readings when he does, it would be very helpful in treat-"

„Do you want to die?!" Damian shouted a tad too loud, shutting his notes and sighing dejectedly, „I'm not saying he is an animal when I say this Hyejin, all I'm saying is that you cannot go near this boy like this. Just like you couldn't with Kim. They're as dangerous as each other because they can't control it. He would kill you." Though she hated to believe the intelligent asshole, Hyejin nodded at his words leaning back to watch the screen as she twirled her ring around her finger.

„When was the last time he spoke?" Damian huffed, standing up and walking over the corner bench to get a cough, pointing his finger to the screen for Hyejin to watch him whilst he got the drinks.

„Before he became like this, he asked about Taehyung again, then asked how long he'd been here. I ... I can't find it in myself to tell him; he's been here for almost seven months now. Because it makes me feel so helpless. Why can't I help him?"

„You need to talk to him about Taehyung. Clearly Jungkook responds to conversations about him. If his accomplice is our key to helping him, we need to utilise it." Her words took awhile to sink in as Damian poured the boiling water into the two mugs, swirling a sachet of sugar into each before lifting them to bring over. Hyejin's eyes stayed locked on the screen, watching the wolf pace, looking to be calming down.

„We'll try," he agreed, sitting back down just in time to see the wolf collapse onto its side, and in less than thirty seconds, his fur had melted back into his body and his pale scarred skin could be seen clearly through the monitor. Hyejin stood up, noting his lack of clothing and his deathly pale skin. „Something's wrong with him."

„Get the nurses to dress him and onto an ECG. Make sure his heart rate is steady."

„It's the blood," murmured Damian, still hooked on the screen as he pointed to the boy's arms, scars reopened so that blood smeared the floor. „I think he may have developed some form of haemophobia from the episode. Whatever he saw that day has jarred him and the sight of blood just makes him ... freeze."

„And apparently faint too, page the nurse." She didn't wait for any further response, slipping her phone from her pocket and calling her most recent contact, pressing the phone in between her ear and shoulder as she hurried to the chamber entrance to meet up with the nurses. „Honey, hi, I'm really sorry but I'm not going to make it to dinner tonight. One of my patients has had an emergency and they really need me."

„Hyejin it's fine! I've got the cats to keep me company! They might eat your food but we'll pretend I don't see them. See you in the morning!" She couldn't help but laugh at her ridiculous husband, ending the call with a quick sincere love you, before running up to the nurse and swiping her card over the locks.

„He's unconscious but I want you to tie his limbs down anyway. Your safety comes before anything so if he wakes up you run." The orders were serious and solemn, Hyejin helping to lift the bed through the door and into the shredded room. The padding on the walls had been ripped by razor sharp claws, that belonged to the boy shivering on the floor, body twitching with every cut off breath. „Get him under respiratory support." On the count of three, two of the nurses lifted him into the stiff bed, Hyejin helping to tie down his arms as she checked his throat for any blockage.

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