Monday? More Like Mundane-day

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Come Monday after classes Tamaki eagerly whisked, or dragged, me away to music room three. Despite his eagerness to show me everything from the storage room to what looked like an encyclopedia sized photo album Kyoya had quickly rangled him to welcome guests.

Feeling a little lost, and not even sure I was supposed to be here, I wandered over to the sofa that I had fallen alseep on once to hole myself up in the corner away from all the people.

With feet curled under me I pulled out my knitting, Haruhi had been kind enough to bring it to school for me. So I let myself get engrossed in stab, tug, loop, through, and slide over and over as I added on each stitch of the fabric.

It wasn't until I paused some time later to stretch my neck that I realized I had company.

"Shouldn't you be entertaining guests?"

Without even looking up Kyoya kept typing away on a laptop, only ever pausing to breifly look at some papers next to him.

"Usually I don't accept guest requests, typically I spend my time in the club handling paper work among other things."

"Gee, aren't your, er, fans, kind of disappointed by that?" I don't imagine that would get him many brownie points with them.

"You misunderstand, I don't typically accept requests because I don't get many. Usually the girls perfer to watch me from a distance, see?"

Without even a glance he pointed with his pen to a few pillars a couple of feet away. Now that he pointed it out I could see a small horde of girls anxiously peeking around the pink marble.

"They're scared of you?" I mused studying the flustered girls.

"I prefer the word shy."

"Maybe if you were a bit more approachable they'd talk to you," I theorized to myself.

"Do you not think me approachable, Miss Sakahashi?"

I snorted slightly at his question, something about the question itself and his tone amused me.

"You don't exactly appear as the friendliest guy, maybe if you smiled more like Tamaki," I joked.

At this he did stop typing to shoot me a short glare.

"I have no desire to act like an idiot."

"And that's why the girls are scared of you, Ootori," a smirk was playing on my face as I pointed out his glare and scowl.

"Anyways, did you have a chance to look over those papers I gave you?"

Nodding he reached into his school bag and pulled out an envelope.

"I have revised the papers per your request, however, in regards to yours I have a few questions and concerns I would like to discuss with you."

"Discuss away," I urged while rising and accepting the new papers.

"I would prefer to do it in private, away from prying eyes that is," breifly his eyes flicked over my shoulder. Turning I could hear and see the girls whispering and giggling as they shuffled around the pillars.

"Fair point, unfortunately for the next few nights I will be occupied with events for my mother. Oh, looks like someone has gotten some courage..." I mused seeing one girl get shoved out towards us from behind the pillar.

With a small smile I nodded towards her as a form of hello before seating myself back on the sofa to ensure the changes I requested had been added.

I felt for the girl as I heard her make a stammer filled introduction to Kyoya, eventually she was able to spit out why she had come over here. She just wanted to know when the next host club special event would be.

"That question would be better directed at Miss Sakahashi. She will be helping the club coordinate and plan our larger scale events for the rest of the year."

Blushing the girl turned to me practically vibrating with nerves.

"Miss Machi Ota, correct? Why don't you sit down with me?" With a polite smile I gestured to the space next to me.

"You know my name?" She asked in clear surprise as she joined me.

"Mh-hm, you're an art student, correct? Your section of the spring gallery was quite beautiful, you have a way with pastels," I complimented.

"Oh, um, thank you," the blushing girls face reddened somehow even further making me giggle slightly. I know I get frazzled easily, but at least I'm not this bad.

"Anyways, you were asking about the next event? If you wouldn't mind I'd love to hear your thoughts, I was actually hoping to get some input."

"Oh, well, um, I'm not sure, not really, just, um, was wondering when the next one is," she explained quietly.

"I see, hm," thinking I began gnawing on my lip.

"Perhaps I could send out a survey, it would be anonymous and digital. Do you think you and your friends would be interested in that?" I questioned and she eagerly nodded.

"Wonderful! Also in regards to the next event I'm not completely sure yet, but once we have something planned I'll make sure there's an anouncement or perhaps a newsletter," I assured.

"Oh, thank you! That'd be wonderful we'd love a newsletter, thank you so much Miss Sakahashi!"

Bowing she got up and scrambled away as I waved considering I didn't get a change to respond back to her.

"I'm surprised you don't have a newsletter or something already."

"I simply don't have the time."

"Couldn't one of the others do it?"

Doubtfully Kyoya gave me a look, "Tamaki would ramble on for pages, Haruhi is rather technology illiterate, and the twins can't be trusted. Last time they had access to the webpage they began to spread around phtoshopped images which was quite a headache."

"Would it be ok if I made one? Along with it I could include some polls for feedback from the clients, see what they're looking for in events. That kind of thing," I suggested simply.

Kyoya seemed to pause in thought for moment before nodding.

"Yes, that would be quite alright."

"Wonderful, here." With my name scrawled on the dotted line I passed back his paper of rules.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Kyoya observe me breifly as I eagerly began to get back into my knitting trance. He made no comment on it, turning back to his computer, leaving me to happily knit away as club continued and ultimately concluded.

"Geez, you're such an old lady," "Yeah, knitting isn't very attractive Crystal," the twins commented making me roll my eyes.

"I'm not concerned about being attractive, besides, I'm sure this is more appealing than having to worry about my crush cheating on me with his twin brother."

"Our customers disagree."

Well they had me there. Ignoring the twincestous duo I turned my attention elsewhere.

"Tamaki, I'm going to be starting a newsletter for the club. Do you have any thoughts?"

"A newsletter! I thought Kyoya said we shouldn't?"

Both of us turned to the vice president who didn't even look up from his work as he explained himself.

"I said you shouldn't, I believe Miss Sakahashi on the contrary is capable and will be able to provide something both legible and formative. I advise you not to allow him to get too involved, I'd hate for him to derail whatever it is your planning."

Tamaki's very loud objections made me snicker slightly as I packed away my knitting into the bag Haruhi had brought it in.

"Well, he is the president of this circus. I figured it only fair to at least let him know and have some input."

After tucking the bag under the sofa for safe keeping I stood with a stretch, gathered up my school bag, and bid farewell to the host club and a hello to sitting in on one of my mother's business meetings.

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