You get bullied/Beat up and hide it from Jack

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You were walking home from school secretly you told your principal not to tell Jack cause you were gonna tell him yourself which was a big lie you were wearing a hoodie that you brought in your bag cause it was cold with the hood on because you was trying to hide your face and arms because you had just been attacked at school. A few minutes later you walked inside and saw Robbie (the zombie ego) and Anti they looked over at you Robbie smiled and Anti gave you a gruff "hey" you gave a small wave and tried walking past them to go to your room when Robbie saw a cut on your cheek "u-umm Y/N i-is that a c-cut on your cheek?" You then froze and said "n-no" And you tried walking away again when you felt arms around you and picked you up. You looked at who it was and it was Anti he sat you down on the couch and pulled your hood down showing the cuts and bruises

"kId wHerE dId ThOsE cUts aNd MaRKs CoMe FRom?" Anti asked slightly flat but also concerned "n-n-no where" you squeaked out "Y/n" Anti, said in a 'tell me the truth' voice. You then looked down and teared up not wanting to tell them worried they would tell Jack "Y-Y/N if you don't tell us w-we can't h-help you" Robbie spoke up placing a hand on your shoulder at that point you started to cry  which was rare for you cause you don't cry for no good reason you never even throw tantrums you were a perfect child and that made them more worried about why you were cause they didn't know if she did it to herself or if someone did it to her. You then told them the truth "S-some k-kids beat me u-up cc-calling me u-ugly and stupid and saying i-i should die" then you started sobbing harder as Robbie cuddled you "shhhh it's ok we will tell Jack for you" "NO! DON'T TELL JACKIE!PLEASE!.....i-i don't want him
To be mad at me...." Robbie and Anti looked at each  other In confusion "Why WoUlD JaCk bE MaD?" You wiped your tears away but more where coming "b-b-because I'm ugly and I'm scared he will think so too and do the same to me...Yo...o aren't are you!?" You then got scared thinking they might hurt you cause you to think to your not pretty enough "what? No Y/N we would never hurt you for something silly like that I would never hurt you.....Anti has already done that to you but I doubt he will do it again but still, you're a beautiful girl don't be scared to tell us ok? Uncle Robbie and Uncle Anti are here" you then looked up at the two of them and asked "and Uncle Mark, Dark, Ethan, Felix, Chase, Dr Shneep, Marvin, Dapper  Jack and Jack-a-boy man? and Aunty  Marzia?" "Yeah Yeah KiD tHeM ToO AlL oF uS" Anti replied "o-ok thank you uncles" Robbie gave you another smile "its ok Honey.....but we still gotta tell Jack what happened" you slightly frowned but you knew it was the right thing to do "o-ok"

HAI IM SOOOOO SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED IM A TERRIBLE AUTHOR I JUST DIDNT HAVE THE TIME AND COULDNT THINK OF ANY NEW CHARACTER IDEAS OR STORY IDEAS!!! ;^; plzzzzzzz forgive me you guys have been waiting so long for a cute story and I gave you a sad one ;^; ALSO your all beautiful in your own amazing ways and I love you all BUH BYE!!  
Bayleigh Boo

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