First Day At School

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Jacks pov:
Today is a very special day for Y/N but also scary it's her first day at school and I don't want her to be scared or uncomfortable I walked to her room and opened the door to see Y/N in her school uniform looking in the mirror looking nervous holding Sam tight as Sam looked up at her and made a noise saying she looks fine "hey Y/N how are you" she looked at me and smiled "ok I guess its just....u-umm" I then looked concerned "sweetie are you ok?" She nodded looking embarrassed " I have never been to a school before" my face dropped (well you better pick it up then *laughs to myself* hahahahaa...i need a life) "Y/N are you serious?" She nodded lightly "yeah mummy and daddy never liked me so they thought it was a waste to send me they didn't" she then tears up "oh honey come here" I hug her gently "its ok they are long gone will never see them again" she looked up at me "you promise?" I smiled my famous smile "I promise" we hug again until Sam gets needy and wants to hug to I laugh and so does Y/N "ok Sam hugs for you too" we let sam in the hug too as Wiishu comes in "a group hug without me? How dare you" she said as she joins the hug

-Later at the school cause, Jack is becoming a MAN!-

We reached the school as Y/N saw other Children running and laughing and shes holding Sam while she hides behind me "Sam you might wanna turn plushie for today" he does as he's told and turns plush "Y/N you have nothing to-" "OH MY GOD!" I was interrupted when I saw some kids running over "are you Jacksepticeye?" I chuckled "the one and only" they all get excited taking photos getting autographs and everything when they leave I look at
Y/N and she seems very nervous "like I was saying its ok...ok?" "O-ok daddy" I smile and pick her up I see the kids talking about her and walk over again "sorry Jack but is she your daughter?"
I looked at Y/N then at the kids "yeah she is today is her first day" they were asking her questions but she was mostly shy the whole time then a teacher come over and I talk to her for a while about the situation "ok Y/N I gotta go now" she then tugged my shirt and has tears in her eye "d-do you have to?" I felt really guilty "Y/N I have to j can't come to school with you" "Jackie...I can't be alone...I can't" "Y/N don't do this to me you will make so many new friends ok? If you want I can pick you up early if you're that scared by yourself" she then hugged me "then take me home now"I look at her "Y/N please.... just give it a try...for me?"
Eventually, she went to school "ok Y/N when we get home tonight I can't wait to hear all about it"I giggle "I love you sweetie" as I kiss her head "I love you too Daddy Jackie" (that's the name of the title XD *laughs to myself again
You: just go Me: ok)

My daddy Jackie (Jacksepticeye X child reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ