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Fathers Day

You're pov
17th June Fathers day the day you are gonna do something nice for Jack he has been so amazing to you that you are gonna replace something you broke, yeah the mug you dropped and smashed he always said he would replace it but he never did so you are gonna do it yourself well with Marzia, of course, she is taking you out to help you do it. Just then there was a knock in the door and as if on cue Marzia was here with a dog that I have never seen before "Y/N Marzia's here and she brought Maya for you to meet"I walk over to her to see the pug in front of me with one eye "awww she's so cute " "yeah I could only bring her and not Edgar " "you have another dog?" "Yeah hey, Sean do you mind if I bring Y/N back to mine?" "Yeah sure I don't mind" "cool you ready Y/N" you nod "uh-hu I just need to grab a Jacket" "are you gonna wear that one again" "yes" you run upstairs and put on your favourite hoodie and ran back downstairs wearing a cute spider-man hoodie
"LOOK IM SPIDER-MAN!" Jack was laughing and so was Marzia "come on Y/N the sooner we get there the better" "Aoki," you said in a really cute way that even the stone face Tyler would be squealing


You, Maya and Marzia are on your way back to her house it will be your first time around there to meet Edgar and see Felix again but one question has been buzzing in your head that you have been a little embarrassed to ask cause you don't know how she will react but right now your gonna ask it and get it out of the way "Marzia?" The Italian woman replied "Yeah Y/N?" You swallowed hard then said, "A-Are you and Felix, my Aunt and Uncle?" You blushed  "Y/N honey don't be embarrassed it's your choice" "T-Then I choose to have you and Felix as my Aunt and Uncle" "and Mark?" "Yeah and Mark he is great and so are you guys" "thanks Y/N look were here"

~15 minutes later~

You were at the table with newspaper on the table and you were painting on the mug you choose for Jack and yours decorating it then Marzia came over "hey Y/N" "hi Marzia" "Felix went for a run with the dogs so its just us and I wanted to know if your hungry" "well m-maybe a little i-i don't wanna be a burden" "no not at all you wanna sandwich?" "Y-yeah that would be nice"  "ok just give me a minute" "o-ok thank you Au-Marzia" you corrected yourself "honey you can call me Aunt Marzia if you want" "y-you sure" "100%" she smiles "o-ok Aunt Marzia"  you go back to decorating the mug when Marzia hands you a plate with a sandwich "thanks" "no problem" she then tries to see what you have decorated on your mug "can I see" "no sorry its a surprise" "oh ok for Sean AKA Jack?"  You nod "awe so cute" you give her your cuteness smile and she practically tackles you into a hug squealing


You and Marzia are on your way back to Jack's you have his present and you are very excited to give it to him "you ready Y/N?" "Yep" you are her walk up to the door and Marzia knocks "Sean! Were here!" Just then you heard a thud and footsteps and then a very excited Jack opens the door " hi Marzia Y-/N!" Jack the picks you up and hugs you "you missed her that muck" "YES!" "I missed you too Jackie" after they said their goodbyes I was about to give Jack my present "Y/N I'm gonna quickly FaceTime my dad cause you probably don't know today is-" just then you cut him off "fathers day" "y-yeah how did you know" "Marzia told me and the reason we were out is because of fathers day" "what why?" You hand Jack the mug you made "this is for when I broke your mug when you first brought me here"

Jack pov
I looked at the mug it was around green mug with a picture of Sam at the front on one side it says Jack/Sean on the other it says 'worlds best dad' I look up at Y/N who looked like she wanted to die from embarrassment I smile and give her a hug and kissed her head "thank you Y/N i love it" she smiles back "I'm glad you like it" "why wouldn't i also you didn't have to replace the mug for me" "well you kept saying you would replace it but you never did so I decided that it would be a nice present" I smile at her and give her another big hug "ok like i was saying i gotta call my dad and he doesn't  know i have you yet and i don't  think i should tell him this yet ........or should i?" "What do you mean Jackie?" "I think you meeting my dad and maybe my mom would be a good present for them to know that i have a child so they have a grandchild" "oooh?" "Wanna call them?" She nodded "yeah" i smiled at her and took her with me to my office I turned on my computer and put Y/N on my lap "ok stay low" she nodded I turned on my camera and adjusted it so they cant see Y/N in my lap just then dad called I answered "hey dad" "hi Sean" (i know they probably speak in Irish but i cant do that so it will be English) "HAPPY FATHERS DAY!" He winced when I yelled "thanks Jack i may need hearing aids now" "well i did get you something" "really?" "Yeah well for your mom and maybe the others" "so this is a gift for the whole family?" "I guess so" he looked confused at me for a moment trying to think of what the gift could be then he said "do you want your mother in here she is in the other room" "yeah that would be awesome" he then got up and went to the other room while i looked down at Y/N and whispered "you excited?" She looked up at me and nodded i gave her a kiss on the head and then dad came back with mom "hi Sean" "hi mom" "so what was your gift for the family?" "Well let me say you will either love it or hate it" "ok lets see" "ok" I looked down at Y/N and sat her up straight and put my camera back to the way it should be so they could see Y/N "this is Y/N she is gonna be your granddaughter" "awe Sean you had a baby?" I was about to answer when dad spoke up "well if he did she would be a newborn but she is like six" "yeah I adopted her its a long story but i will tell you that later" "well Jack i hope you know what your doing with her a child is a huge responsibility" "yeah I know and not all my friends know and Signe doesn't either" "you need to tell her" "yeah i know" just then I heard a tiny voice "Jackie?" I looked down "yeah sweetie?" "Who is Signe?" "My.....girlfriend" "w-will she be ok with this?" "I dunno i hope so" "so do i"


after talking to my parents for a while my mom gave me good advice for the future and how to tell the others that I have her so I think I may tell Ethan next I got lost in my thoughts while I was cleaning the dishes only cause the dishwasher is broken and I hate doing them I didn't notice the fact that Y/N had walked in "Sean?" She said and scared me "Ow!" I cut my hand on a knife "Jackie are you okay?" She ran over to me and pulled my hand down to her she looks at the cut the goes into the other room and comes back with a plaster and puts it on my finger then kisses it "feel better?" I smiled at her and the fact she wanted to help me "yes much better" I pick her up and take her to her room but before I opened her door she asked, "c-can I sleep with you tonight?" "Sure why?" "I-I'm scared of the dark" "but you usually fall asleep fine" "i-i go to bed to i know your up and the lights are on" "oh ok well i will be watching my TV so you may fall asleep from that" "I thought you was gonna be editing your videos" "no I finished that already" so I take Y/N to my room she lays on my belly with her back against it I have my arms around her and she is hugging the small Sam at first I watched some cartoons cause I don't want her to see the Walking Dead I don't really like it but I'm willing to give it a chance but she falls asleep soi do start to watch it after the episode I decided to get some sleep I gently turn over with her in my arms and fall asleep

My daddy Jackie (Jacksepticeye X child reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora