"A-A BOY!?"

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Jacks pov:
Today is Valentines Days Me and Wiishu are gonna go out for a Romantic dinner then come back for a Romantic Night but all day we are gonna have fun because we are gonna take Y/N out to the park to have fun, go out for lunch then come back for movie night "Today is gonna be awesome!" I look over at Wiishu and she smiled "yeah it is" she said clearly excited as much as me "come on lets go see if Y/N is ready yet" I suggest "ok" she simply said as we went to her room and we saw her drawing "hey sweetie whatcha doing there?" I said to her as she looked up with a smile "I drew you guys a picture for Valentine's Day" I saw from the corner of my eye Wiishu's face lit up "can we see" she asked really interested I looked back at Y/N and she smiled "sure have a look" she held up the paper and I gently took it as me and Wiishu looked at it as Y/N was nervous and poking her fingers together "d-do you like it?" She asked the drawing was of Me Wiishu her Same even a cactus with a face and a moustache I looked ay Wiishu who was just dying from the cuteness "sweet I LOVE it!" She then instantly hugged her I hugged them too

{starts singing 'for the first time in forever'} Your prove:
You hugged back holding back tears as much as you could you never had a family to do this with and you were more than happy to be in their family


You finally got to the park and you saw loads of children running around with their friends and you become really nervous because you don't know how to talk to kids your age or that your gonna get lost and lose Jack or Wiishu just then Jack came over to you "Y/N you wanna go on the swings?" You nodded although you never really go to the park you love the swings you and Jack both went to the swings as Jack put you on "ready?" "Uh huh" you simply said "ok hang on" he said as he gently pushes you on the swings eventually you got higher but not too high as you were laughing the whole time but then Jack stopped swinging you "hey Y/N look its uncle Felix" he points at him you look at where he's pointing and you see him wearing some strange goggles "what is he wearing?" "I think they're drunk goggles I'm gonna go see him will you be ok by yourself?" You were really not ok about him leaving but regardless you nodded cause you didn't wanna tell him what to do "ok stay on the swings and don't go off anywhere ok I'm trusting you" he said gently but still firm and kisses your head "ok I'm gonna be back in a minute" "ok Jack" you stayed on the swings gently rocking on them as you saw someone get on the swing next to you, you didn't really look over at them cause you don't know who it was or if they would like you or even wanna talk to you just then a voice was heard next to you "h-hi" you look over to the next swing a see a boy your age he seems very nervous with a blush on his face "hello" you said to him with a smile and face got redder "u-umm in Y/N whats your name?" He got more nervous and said " B-B/N (Boys Name)" you put your hand out form him to shake and he did "nice to meet you B/N" you said with a smile he smiled back "nice to meet you too Y/N" you two were talking for a while when he said "i-I'm sorry I'm so nervous it's because I think you pretty" you then blushed and giggled "thank you I have never had someone call me pretty before" you keep talking unaware that Wiishu was watching dying from cuteness and Jack was there with a dark look on his face and Felix was just confused when he asked "Jacks whats the problem?"

Jacks ,:
"Jack, what the problem?" The Swedish man said bringing me out of my thoughts "who is she with?" I said very unhappy about the situation "shes with a boy so what?" Wiishu said and I snapped "'so what?'.... 'so what?' She's with a boy.....A BOY!" Jack said getting everyone's attention "Jack keep it down" Felix shushed me "sorry" I muttered, "Y/N time to go!" She then yelled back "Coming!" She then turned to the boy and did Jacks worst nightmare........she hugged him ( DUN DUN DUUUUN!) Jacks was screaming in his head cause of what happened Felix then said: "you wanna come to mine?" Jack said "well I and Wiishu can't would you be ok to look after Y/N" he gave a smile "yeah sure" "thanks" after a while I and Wiishu got home and Felix said he would drop her back here "Sean are you ok? You haven't spoken for a while.....I'm worried"
"It's just..." "Just what Sean?"
"A BOY!?"

My daddy Jackie (Jacksepticeye X child reader)Where stories live. Discover now