Bandits Girl (Chapter 9)

Comincia dall'inizio

That was like me handing him a chance to say ‘I told you so’ on a freaking silver platter. Not only would he probably never let me live this down, he’d never let me out of his sight again.

I sighed, no use in worrying about it now. What would happen would happen.

I finished my meal and washed my face and then, as instructed, called out for Skye. He joined me by my side. He stuck out his arms and I looked at them somewhat confused. What did he want me to do? I reached out my hand to grab a hold of one of his arms when suddenly out of nowhere he scooped me of the ground.

“What are you-“ I demanded, but Skye silenced me with his voice.

 “Just carrying you down the stairs. Don’t want you to injure yourself too much.”

“I can do it-“            

“Yourself? No. No you can’t. Accept help every once in awhile…”


“Laura then.”

And despite my protests he refused to put me down, and carried me all the way down a hallway full of rooms, and a flight of stairs into what appeared to be some sort of mess hall that was mainly empty except for a man sitting at the bar along one wall sipping some sort of draft. He looked at Skye and I once when we entered, slightly interested, then turned back to his drink. Skye set me on a bench alongside one of the tables and disappeared into a back room.

Suddenly I heard a voice from behind me, “Well, well, well, look who’s up. How are you feeling sweetheart?”

I turned to a woman whom I recognized from yesterday, Liesay I think, standing behind me, in an apron holding a broom, with a concerned yet slightly amused look on her face. I gave her a slight smile and responded as politely as I could.

“Fine, thank you very much.”

“Well that’s good, when Skye brought you in you were in pretty bad shape. We set you up in one of the rooms, and bandaged you best we could, but we were more worried about the internal damage that we couldn’t fix. Luckily a doctor is boarding with us, so we had him come take a look at you, hope you don’t mind, but you weren’t exactly conscious so we couldn’t exactly ask your permission.

“Anyways, he said you should be fine in a few days. Have you eaten? I had Skye send up some bread and cheese for you.”

“Oh yes,” I responded, “he sent it up straight away. Thank you for the food, and the doctor, and the room…” I felt my face flush, “I’m sorry but I don’t have much money… well not any really.”

Liesay waved her hand, “Don’t worry about that too much. It was our governor who did it to you, and as responsible citizen it’s my civic duty to clean up his messes.”

“Still I feel bad.” I responded. I hated being in debt to anyone, Julia had instilled into me since childhood that it was wrong not to pay back people who had helped you in some way.

Liesay thought for a moment then asked, “Well after this do you have anywhere to go?”

I shook my head, “I’m meeting up with someone, but I don’t know when he’ll arrive.”

She raised her brow a bit when she heard the one I was waiting for was male, but if it bothered her too much she didn’t mention it, “Well, then how bout this, once you’re feeling better, while you’re waiting for you friend you can help out here. My husband and I are always short on staff.”           

I smiled, “That sounds wonderful, thank you,” I paused before continuing, “I hope you don’t mind me saying this, but you’re much nicer than the other people in this town I’ve met.”

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jul 12, 2012 ⏰

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