Angel Hoseok:
   "I could tell how interested you already are to  humans."

   "I found them fascinating, guardian angel. They'd kill their kind for the sake of love. For the sake of ownership and belongingness."

Angel Hoseok:
   "Thus you are living like a human. You once killed and that scared me most. You never killed until Luke and Abraham."

V jumped off the counter and crossed his arms.

  "Im dwelling with humans. Might as well ~ blend in."

Angel Hoseok:
    "Stop pleasing your father, V."

V knitted his eyebrows and grabbed the angel's clothing.

   "Never would I choose to please my own father. Not in this world nor his own kingdom."

The angel just sighed.

True. V wanted to go back to the home where he thought he belonged to. But that was then.

His fondness towards human beings and his pleasure to live in the world away from his father was becoming a threat to the balance he may not understand.

Then a thought came to V's head. The climax of the story he had been waiting for.

  "Guardian Angel, are you the jealous Cain or the pleasant Abel?"

He heard no answer.

   "Don't miss the finale of the drama, angel Hoseok. And don't forget to know where your wings should be flopping to."

Angel Hoseok:
   "I know where to stand, V. I know my place. I know who I am."

V could sense it. An angel's heart who's crying for love and affection.

   "Like a human, you fell and get a broken bone. But as an angel, you fell and broke your wings."

He was an angel who fell in love  to a human. And heaven knows how it was greatly forbidden to engage in a relationship that's beyond the norm of the holy.

Angel Hoseok:
   "I envy the humans."

V instantly let out an evil smile. An honest angel with a troubled heart.

Angel Hoseok:
   "They have the freedom to choose whether to do the righteouss or the detested. They have the freedom to love and be loved."

   "And be hurt ~ "

The angel smiled at V. For he knew he was right.

   "I envy the humans. Some have the freedom to sleep, slack off, have fun, have sex, drink and eat, gamble,  - "

Angel Hoseok:
   "They don't have the freedom, V. They are restricted but they chose to disobey."

  "But they all have the freedom to express."

Angel Hoseok:
   "But not all have the ability to do it."

   "Do you have?"

The angel didn't answer. For he knew his real idenity was still the missing puzzle of the blooming love Officer Hannah and him had shared.

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