Emotional Candyland- Therapy Session

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The week was filled with days in the courtroom and nights on the roof with Hayden. By the end of the week I finally agreed to see a therapist. Well ok Judge Taylor and Mr. Dawson are basically making me talk to someone. Apparently when someone goes through some dramatic ordeal they think you should talk it out maybe it will help in some way or another. If it was up to me I would rather stay home doing my own thing but anyway I agreed to it. I don't really know why, I guess a part of me was hoping if I did maybe the trial would hurry along and I can get on with my life, with my family.

So I agreed to see someone, but I requested to see a woman, no way in hell I would ever be left alone in a room with a guy. Not unless it was Hayden, but I trusted him; he was different.

Mrs. Shaw drops me off at exactly three o'clock. She stated that she would wait out in the car for me. When I walk in to the waiting room, I walk up to the desk and tell her my name. She in return hands me paper work to fill out. Really a freaking questionnaire about how I feel about this and how I feel about that. Did I want to hurt myself? Do you have thoughts about not living? The questions went on and on. There were like fifty or so, it feels like I was taking a freaking test or something. By the time I finish she calls my name to come back to the office.

When I enter the office there is a tall slender woman standing by the desk and when she turns her curls bounce along her shoulders. She hold out her hand to greet me.

"Hello Star, I am Dr. Gilbert, Samantha Gilbert. You can call me Sam if you want." She gestures for me to sit down. "Please come in and have a seat."

There are two chairs by the desk and then a small blue sofa with pillows by the bookshelf. I look back and forth trying to figure out where she wants me to sit.

"Please sit, you can sit wherever makes you feel more comfortable." Her tone softens and sounds so sincere.

I pick the sofa, because it looks more comfortable. I kick off my shoes and sit with my feet curled up under me.

She taps the questionnaire that I filled out and states, "I have a lot of information on you already from Mr. Dawson and thanks for taking the time out to fill out the questions it will help us determine what to do."

"What to do about what?"

"Well if we feel the need for any medication or what not."

"Ok, but I'm really not planning on taking any kind of meds."

"If they helped in anyway would you be willing to try?"

"Honestly no, my mom was a druggy and there is no way that I want to do that, to take things to numb the pain."

"Alrighty then, let's try to talk then."

"About what? Honestly I really did not even want to come but they said I had to so that is the only reason why I am here."

She looks around the room as if trying to figure out what to say, then she says, "Star, would you like to play a game with me?"

"A game really, I thought this was to be therapy you know where we talk."

"Well we will talk, let's play Candyland." And she reach up and takes it down off of the shelf. "I know it's a game for little kids but I have a twist to it. See each color represents a type of question. It's just so we can get to know each other. I'll tell you things about me and you will tell me things about you. So you want to try?"

"Sure why not!"

"Ok so here's the chart of the colors and what we will talk about it."

She places a chart on the small table by the sofa.

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